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After what Diyoza had done to them, Octavia had no choice but to go to war for the Valley

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After what Diyoza had done to them, Octavia had no choice but to go to war for the Valley. And for the first time in a while, Mya agreed with her. Because she wanted each one of the prisoners dead. Especially Harvey.

"They don't know we're coming," Octavia looked over their map. "So all three northern passes will be wide open. But the village will be fortified. Where's the water source?"

"Here," A man pointed it out.

"Why?" Indra asked. "What are you thinking?"

"My question exactly," Clarke asked as she, Miller, and Bellamy walked into the room. 

"Miller, you're orders were to go-" Kara tried to tell him. 

"I know my order," Miller cut her off. "I think we should listen to what Clarke has to say."

"You can't take the sea route," Clarke told Octavia. 

"Why?" Mya crossed her arms over her chest. "You said the sea is gone  so is it passable or not?"

"Yes, maybe," Clarke needed to explain more though. "But you have to understand-"

"Maybe is good enough for me," Octavia declared. "Let's move out."

"Wait, O-" Bellamy tried to block her from leaving but everyone in the room besides Mya and Clarke pulled their guns out and aimed them at him. 

"Stand down," Octavia ordered her people, and they lowered their weapons down.

"Please, O," Bellamy was growing even more concerned. "Just hear us out."

"Octavia, we're all on the same team," Clarke reminded her. "No one wants to get to that valley more than me. It's my home. But this way is too risky."

"Risky how?" Indra was the only one ready to hear her out. 

"Show me," Octavia told her. 

Clarke walked over to the maps spread out on the table. "You chose the shortest route, which makes sense, but the dry seabed is hit by almost constant sandstorms."

"We have the tents from the second dawn," Octavia still didn't see a problem. "Sand won't be a problem."

"It's not just sand," Clarke told her. "Some of it crystallized in Praimfaya. I'm talking shards of glass like razor blades. Your tents will be torn to shreds and so will you."

"Bloodreina is right," Kara came to her leader's defense. "Besides, we can only carry rations for seven days. The sea route will take six. The next shortest path adds fifty miles. That's two days, if we're lucky."

"How do we know there won't be sandstorms on the longer routes?" Mya asked Clarke. 

"Enough," Octavia didn't want to hear anymore. "We're doing this. The hydro farm is barely feeding us now, so if this is the last living valley on Earth, then it should be ours."

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