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That night was probably the hardest one the two girls had yet faced in this new world. And still, neither of them physically needed to be hurt to feel the pain that they were in.

Clarke, Finn, and a kid named Myles had gone out for a hunt as well. Only they never returned. They had not returned with everyone else. So, Bellamy took a few people with him out in the woods to try and find them. And of course, because he was terrified to face Mya. 

They had found Myles, but lost Monty in the process.

Lea dipped the rag into the bucket of water, ringing it out before pressing it to Myles's forehead. He had been hit with an arrow in the chest and with Clarke now missing, she was the only one left who had ever seen her work on something like this.

The only downside to helping out, was that Bellamy was also in the dropship while she was tending to Myles. 

They said nothing to each other because Lea didn't think she could speak anymore and Bellamy was too scared to say anything to her.

The flap to the dropship opened, Jasper walking in and giving Bellamy a hateful stare. 

"Don't you think I want to go after them, too?" Bellamy was referring to the fact that he wasn't letting anyone else leave the camp, even if it was to find their missing people. 

"If it was you out there, you think Monty, Clarke, or Finn would hide behind these walls?" Jasper gave him that same look.

"No," Bellamy knew what they would do. "They'd go after me. Then they'd be dead, too. I am doing what I think is right for the group."

"It's funny you didn't think that way when Octavia went missing," Jasper dropped his gun down on the table, going over to the ladder. 

"Where are you going?" Bellamy asked him. 

"More gunpowder for your minefield, sir," Jasper gave him a mock salute before climbing up the ladder.

Lea dropped her cloth down back into the bucket, standing up and going over to the ladder as well.

"And where are you going?" Bellamy dared to ask her.

"He needs his bandages changed," Lea mumbled climbing up the ladder. "Go get him more water."

When Lea got to the second floor, she went over to where Clarke had recently stashed the medical supplies. Picking up a few pieces of cloth, she looked over to see Jasper working on Raven's newest idea to help protect them.

All Lea wanted to do was just go back home. To be back in her bed and start her senior year of high school. Not bandaging up kids who she didn't even know how to really help.

Or feeling like her heart was ripped out of her chest. 

"I'm sorry about Monty," Lea whispered over to Jasper.

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