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"I would like to state once again, I do not support this plan," Lea was speaking to def ears though because they had already injected Baylis with the Nightblood and placed him in the machine. 

"Same here," Yuki started to walk down the stairs. "Some of us don't want to become mad doctors even if the end of the world is coming. I haven't even gotten to have a proper-" She paused when she saw Roan. "Oh, I didn't know you were joining us for this."

Roan looked her up and down. "Of course, I want to see if this works."

Yuki smiled, twirling a piece of her hair around her. Thinking about some pretty dirty things when she saw his muscular arms.

"Yuki," Abby gave her a look, holding out her hand.

"Oh, right, sorry," Yuki tried to get back on track, handing Abby over the tablet. "His latest labs."

"His vitals are strong," Abby looked over the numbers. "Jackson, seal him in the chamber."

"Copy that," Jackson shut the glass door before taking a step back. "He's ready."

"Yeah, but are we?" Raven had sided with her girlfriend on this matter. Not feeling like this was the right thing to do at all.

"The guy's a monster," Emori spoke up. 

"We've been over this," Clarke said. "None of us wants to do this, but the death wave will be here in ten days. Luna's stem cells grafted successfully. Baylis is making Nightblood on his own. This really is our only hope."

"We really still talking about this?" Murphy crossed his arms over his chest. "Black Rain is already here. Eighteen people died in it yesterday at Arkadia, so if Nightblood can let us walk around in it, I for one want to know about that."

Abby was trying really hard to remind herself of the end goal of this all. And the matter of fact was, they had already run out of time for anything else. "Okay. Jackson, proceed."

"Copy that," Jackson went over to the control board. "Initiating."

Inside the capsule was meant to be able to safely control high levels of radiation. Becca once used it to try and cure cancer. Now they were using it to try and stop the end of the human race.

"Five hundred rem," Jackson slowly moved the dial up. "Eight fifty. This is where we'd see symptoms in non-nightblood."

"His BP is one hundred over fifty," Yuki read off, seeing only good things so far. "Body temp is 98.7."

Clarke got close to the capsule, looking in on the man. "No visible effects."

"One thousand rem," Jackson moved it up more. "One thousand five hundred... two thousand rem, the level of the Black Rain."

Lea took a step forward, seeing with her own eyes that the man was unharmed. And for a moment, she thought that maybe they had it. Maybe this could work and this man would not have to die but instead be the first of many to be saved from the death wave.

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