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The only thing they could possibly think to do on the Ark, was to fly over to the other ship. The only problem was the fact that they did not in fact possess the rocket fuel to be able to get back if this plan went to shit. It was half and half on who wanted to go or not. But untimely, they all chose to take the risk because this was their best chance of getting back down to the ground.

Back to the rest of their family.

"Boys and girls, meet Eligius four," Raven flew the rocket closer to it.

Emori looked at the screen to get a better look at the side of it. "'Powering a better tomorrow.'"

"Must be a mining ship," Raven determined.

"Mining in space?" Harper raised a brow.

"Yeah," Lea remembered learning about that vaguely. "Yeah I think Abby told me about it once... but that was over a hundred years ago. How would they still be alive?"

"They got back somehow," Bellamy didn't really care about the details right now. "Means the must have fuel."

"Well, now there's a ship with a story to tell," Raven brought the rocket closer, trying to get to the docking bay. "It looks like one of the engines was destroyed. At least the hap is still rotating. That rotation means they'll have gravity. Sorry, Lea."

"Why's that?" Lea asked.

Raven looked over at her with a smirk. "No Zero-G space sex for us."

Lea blushed, shaking her head with a smile. "I hate you sometimes."

"You love me," Raven winked at her before turning back to focus on flying the ship.

"There, I see the docking bay," Emori told her.

"I hate to ask this now, but, what if they're still inside?" Sirena had gone six years without having to fight. And although she let Echo train her sometimes, she really wasn't looking for a fight right now.

"We've been through this," Echo reminded her. "If they were still inside and saw a foreign ship trying to board them, they would shoot us out of the sky."

"You're always so comforting," Sirena rolled her eyes.

"Okay, commencing operation uninvited guests. Firering thrusters in three, two, one," Raven pressed the button and they all held on tightly as they shot towards the landing platform. "Emori, soon as I line up with the hap, it's all yours. On my mark."

"Okay, we're in alignment," Emori focused on her part.

"The navi is yours," Raven calmly spoke, trying to help her. "It's just like the simulator."

"Copy that," Emori was trying not to look as stressed out as she currently was.

"Grounders don't say 'copy that," Murphy remarked.

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