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All Lea could think as they snuck their way into the cavern of the valley, was seeing Raven again. She was so close to the point where they could see the same trees. To be apart this long from Raven, was killing her just a bit. Not to mention, their family was here. Echo, Emori, and Murphy. Waiting for them to help take this beautiful Valley Octavia and Diyoza had started a war over.

Lea wasn't used to being on the front lines of a war, she would normally stay back with Raven and pray for her friends who went off. But now, this was a matter far more grand than she could stay out of.

Lea stuck close to Mya and Sirena, all three of them holding their guns as no one in this army was saying a word. 

They kept themselves crouched down low, trying to say out of the line of the people above the ridge.

"Two pillboxes, just like Echo said," Bellamy looked through the scope of his gun to check it out.

Mya took a look through her gun. "I don't have any clear line of view to take them out."

Rapid gunshots started to go off in the distance.

"That's our signal," Lea whispered, remembering the plan Echo had told them about. 

"It's working," Bellamy said, watching the men leave the Pillboxes. "They're moving out. Mya."

"I got clear lines of shot now," Mya could count five of them she could take out all in one go.

"No," Octavia said. "I am your commander, not him."

"You're a bitch," Mya mumbled. 

"You still wait for my orders," Octavia hissed, turning around, she held up her sword for her people to start marching. 

"It's not worth it," Lea whispered to a pissed off Mya. "If we get closer, you can have a better shot anyways."

Mya huffed, taking her gun off the rock and following Octavia's army through the cavern.

Mya knew she had that shot, she could have easily taken those men out but Octavia was being petty and still trying to assert some kind of dominance over her people.

And that was probably why, Mya grew furious when the rapid gunfire started to come down on them, killing their people in the front.

Mya let her gun drop to her side, grabbed her two friends, and ran over to the side to speak shelter.

"I thought we were supposed to have had this!" Sirena yelled out, looking frightened as they blasted one of their giant cannon guns at them.

"We are," Lea breathed out. "Echo said we had this."

Mya lifted herself up, amining her gun at the men on the ridge and taking at least three of them out before she had to drive back down when the bullets started to come her way. "Yeah, well, now we're under attack even I can't stop."

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