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After the second worst thing to have happened at Mount Weather, there was a different atmosphere going on inside the camp. 

Everyone was way more tensed up. Amped up even. It felt like a lot of them just wanted a reason to fight at the moment. 

"I hate him," Mya watched as Pike made his way across the camp. Her arm was now the one in a sling and there were cuts running on the left side of her face from the explosion.

"You and me both," Lea rested her arms on her knees while they sat outside. "They're holding the election today. You going to try and stop Bellamy?"

"How can I?" Mya looked absolutely defeated. "I can't be pissed at him today because he just lost his girlfriend and I was the last one with her. So I can't yell at him that he's an idiot to even think of following Pike because I'm not... he's not my problem."

Lea could see the hurt in her friend's expression. She knew her friend deeply cared for the older Blake, but it always seemed to come down to terrible timing with those two. That and a mixture of stubbornness that could start a whole war on its own.

"Well, let's not talk about that then," Lea deiced. "Jaha is going to be here soon."

"Fuck, I know," Mya rolled her eyes. "It's why I told Yuki to go work in the medical ward with Abby. We need to have eyes there."

"Good plan," Lea nodded her head. "Are we going to... we have to tell them something."

"We don't know what happens after this season," Mya reminded her of that crucial part. "All we know is that Clarke goes into the City of Light and then finds out the world is ending. We're not going to tell anyone till we find out if that ends up being true or not. You got to stay close to Raven though."

"What? Why?" Lea quickly asked.

"So you stop her from taking the death chip," Mya gave her a look. "Raven knows I don't like her very much right now and Sirena knows just as much as I do about computers. And thats that they make funny memes. Your the only one that can do it."

"Yeah, yeah," Lea grumbled. She didn't like it, but it was true.

Sirena came walking over to them with a sour look on her face. "The shower situation here is something that needs to be addressed immediately."

Mya tilted her head to the side looking at her friend. "How did she do in Polis, Lea?"

"Fairly well," Lea shrugged.

"I sucked," Sirena said flatly. "That was the worst thing in my life."

"Welp," Mya pushed herself off the ground. "Sirena, you're the only one left without a duty. And as I can not fight right now, I have decided to train you to fight."

Sirena's eyes widened quickly. "What?"

"Hey, that's not fair," Lea pouted. "You said you would teach me first."

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