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Six years later...

Lea watched in amusement as Raven trained with Echo, running her hand through her short blonde hair. It was the small moment like this that she had learned to apricate while up on the Ring. 

"Soups on!" Monty called out, bringing out a batch of green slime.

Raven, using Echo's distraction of the food, flipped her over and easily pinned her down. Causing Echo to tap out.

"Yes, finally!" Raven rejoiced as she stood up. "Did you see me, Lea?"

"You're getting better," Lea cupped her cheeks before kissing her.

"Hey," Sirena pouted as she passed by them. "What's the rule about PDA again?"

"Shut up," Lea giggled, but Raven pulled her back kissing her again. 

"Don't get too excited, I let you win so we can eat," Echo still wasn't one to admit defeat.

"This isn't eating, it's surviving," Harper reminded them as they all made their way over to the table. 

"Hey, the new and improved triple-G tastes better and you know it," Monty started to dish it out in bowls. 

"Tripple-G?" Echo raised a questionable brow at the name.

"He calls this one Green's green goop," Harper informed them.

"As long as it doesn't kill me like the first batch almost did," Sirena pulled a face at the memory of that very bad week.

"Hey, I thought we were past that," Monty said.

"Never," Sirena shook her head with a smile.

"Well, speaking of Green how's Eden?" Monty called out to Bellamy who was by the window. 

"Still just a dot," Bellamy reported, walking back over. "Emori, take a break."

"I don't know why you waste your time, I told you atmospheric radiation blocks radio signals," Raven reminded them all for probably the hundredth time as Emori came over from the radio station they had set up.

"Because of hope," Lea reminded her with a look. "Hope is better than no hope."

"We're not wasting our time," Bellamy wasn't giving up on that radio yet. "We're here to let them know there's a place they can live."

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