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"Mya, what are you trying to say about the list?" Lea sat in the office room of Becca's lab. The door was shut but she kept her voice to a whisper. She adjusted the frequency, trying to be able to hear her friend better through the old technology.

"I'm trying to tell you Clarke's gone and got herself a bigger head than before," Mya sounded very frustrated. "Your's, Yuki's, and Sirena's names aren't on the list of people who get to live in this craptactic, rundown, fell from the sky, space station."

Lea closed her eyes for a moment, trying to take in and process that information. "And you believe Jaha when he says theirs going to be a lottery?"

"Well, I did at first but then I stopped to think who Jaha was and then radioed you," Mya explained. "Lea, what the hell are we going to do? There's no way I can sit in this tin can for five years while you guys are..."

Lea knew she didn't want to say it. "We'll figure something out, we always do. This isn't our first rodeo in this time."

"Time?" Mya questioned the way she said it.

"Yeah," Lea sighed. "Look, I've been thinking about this quite a lot lately. Alie knew things about our families and our lives. And I'm seeing some really strange things that are correlating from our time."

"But how is that possible?" Mya asked. "This is a TV show we're in, not the actual future... Right?"

"I'll add that to the list of growing questions," Lea ran a hand through her messy hair. "That and how none of us have died yet with the rising radiation levels."

"Yeah, well, just help figure out how to make Nightblood and we'll all be okay," Mya said.

"Yeah, and you get some rest and stop stressing about everything," Lea told her.

"If one more person tells me not to stress out, I'm going to have an aneurysm," Mya informed her.

Lea let out a small laugh. "Bye Mya, I'll talk with you soon."

"Talk with you soon," Mya said before the radio went off.

Lea set it down and walked out of the office to see Abby and Jackson hard at work sitting at the table closest to her and when she peered down over the railing, she could see Raven sitting at the computer station below looking utterly fascinated by whatever was on the screen.

"God Becca was good," Jackson looked highly impressed. "Nightblood was designed to help the human body not reject the AI and protect it against radiation emitted from the device. That's why it saved Luna."

"And have you figured out how it can help save us yet?" Lea turned to face them, raising a brow. 

"No, we need to figure out how she made these cells combine," Abby was peering into a microscope.

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