1: Huh?

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Where am I?
My body feels cramped and everything is dark around me.
Creak Creak

A couple shakes confirmed that whatever I'm in is hard, but breakable.

Okay then let's try this then.

Creak Crack

With a couple of pushes, light comes into view.

with just a bit more I think make an opening

I think I'm ou-

The first thing I meet when I get out is the rocky ground my face landed on.

It's rough, dusty, and tastes like dirt.

At least I got out of whatever I was in safely

Or not.

The second thing I meet comes from the looming shadow above me.

Looking up I see a giant, black scaled lizard.
It stared at me with its large green eyes before moving its attention elsewhere.
What was that thing?
No, looking at it could only think of it as one thing.

A dragon.
A real live dragon.
Looking around I see at least five more of them.
They look smaller than the first one, but each as large as I am.

I can't control my body.
I'm shaking.

My body is trembling.

Real live dragons, are now right infront of me
I can't help myself but feel one thing.

Truth of the matter is I'm a diehard fan of dragons.

I love dragons.
Good and evil, large and small, in any shape or form.
No matter what form they come from no matter the media, I love them.

I suppose you would call me a "nerd" or "otaku" when it comes to the subject.

Can you blame me?

Dragons are amazing creatures.

What's not to love?

So here I am now, faced with a group of these creatures.

I'm both terrified and excited at seeing them that I can only stand trembling at them.

Ah, right.

I should probably check to make sure I'm okay and everything.


White claws?

Wait, hold on.

That's not right.

I look down at them once more.

White fluffy claws.

Come to think of it, I've been on all fours for a while now.

I crane my neck down to spot a fur covered belly as well as 2 more fur covered legs.

I then caught a glimpse of a furry lizard tail behind me.

A small wag confirms that I can control it.
I feel up my face with those fluffy claws.
Fluffy face

angular muzzle

sharp fangs.

No no no no.

This can't be real.

It has to be some kind of dream, hallucination, or something.

I can't really have turned into a dragon.

That's just crazy right?

I was originally human after all

How could I-?

A Large crack distracts me from my thoughts.

I turn to see it.

a couple of large, redish eggs.
One such age shakes and cracks before one of those black dragons break out from the inside.

It growls before trying to stand itself and samper of.

Among them was an egg that was the same as the others

a trail of the same slimy goop lead itself right under me.

I think I wasn't just turned into a dragon.

I think I might have been reborn as one.

Being reborn as a dragon means I had to have died right?

Did I die in my previous life?

Wait wait wait

Hold on

Let's think about this.
The last thing I remember before being int that egg is...



I can't

I can't remember anything

I remember that I like dragons and about the world I came from but.

I can't remember anything about myself.

How did I die?
Why did this happen?

What about my family?

Who am I?

My body trembles again

My mind races to try and find something, anything about myself.
Any clue, or hint about my past or who I am.

Just something


This is.

This is too much for me right now.

The room starts to spin

It feels...hot?

I think...

I'm just gonna sleep a bit...

Just for a bit.

Just for...

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