36: Foxes (I)

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The foxes slowly continue to grow in number, each of which showed them being either Vulrena or Yokinars.

Frankly speaking, this was a bad spot to be in.

I look to Shilongan and Mari, thinking of how we can get out of this, but it seems a fight for our lives is literally our only option.

"Here they come!"

Mari's warning pulls my attention as several fireballs are sent our way.

I take a breath and quickly puff out a water breath to douse them.

"They didn't even give us a chance to think." I growl out.

"Wind and Water seem to be effective." Mari says looking them over.

"Got it."

I let out another wind breath and wind control combination at the swarm.

Not sure how many I got, but the signal to fight was given.

"Water, gather together and surge forth! Water Blast!" Mari called out.

Several bursts of water surge out towards the tree line, though I'm not sure how many were hit or the damages.

I growl moving forward as several of the vulrena ran towards us.

I jump towards one of them and pounce atop it.

We may be close to the same size, but the power we have is different.


Just pouncing and digging my claws in I could easily deal massive damage.

Felsaneo Korotik Crysprit stored [Male Vulrena (Corpse) ] x1

The fox disappeared in my claws.

Good, this will be better for confirming their deaths.

Can't have them playing dead and sneaking up on us later.

Speaking of sneaking up.


I quickly turn and slash down with my claws.

With a whimper the

fox jumping at me goes down.

Felsaneo Korotik Crysprit stored [Male Vulrena (Corpse) ] x1

「Fire Dragon Breath」

My breath strikes at the grass across me making contact with several foxes.


Felsaneo Korotik Crysprit stored [Male Vulrena (Corpse) ] x1

Felsaneo Korotik Crysprit stored [Male Vulrena (Corpse) ] x1

Felsaneo Korotik Crysprit stored [Male Vulrena (Corpse) ] x1

Felsaneo Korotik Crysprit stored [Male Vulrena (Corpse) ] x1

Oh. Still alive are you?

I bite down on its neck dealing a killing blow.

Felsaneo Korotik Crysprit stored [Male Vulrena (Corpse) ] x1


I'm jumped by several foxes.

Annoying little- "Get off me!" I roar letting my 「Fire Cowl」ignite off my body.

I hear a few whimpers and yelps from the foxes on me as I bite down and pull them off my back. With my fangs and claws.

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