26: Walks

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I am not a dog.

I have white fur.

I have floppy ears.

I have a wagging tail.

But I'm not a dog.

So, stop walking me around the place on this stupid electric leash already!

It's been days with this already!

You wake me up.

you drag me out to this field.

you zap me a bunch while saying these words in a weird language I can't even begin to understand.

And worse of all, if I retaliate you get the red eyed knight to fight me and treat me like a puppy dog again.

I have half a mind just to say, 'to hell with it' and ignite myself and this whole place on fire with 「Flame Cowl」

Just be glad I'm not suicidal.

I will use my breaths to make your job that much harder though.

「Water Dragon Breath」

A shot of water breath quickly turns dirt into mud and makes the knight walking me slip.

Gotcha now!

Eat my claws and fangs you silver faced jerk!

I jump onto the knight's face and begin to slash at his helm like a wild beast.

And to top it off.

「Fire Dragon Breath」


Hah! Don't need a translation for that!

"Serves you jerks right! You--gaAaAaAaAaAaA"

I'm interrupted by an electric shock from my collar before being kicked off the knight by some other knights.



One would think I should bide my time and simply wait for a good opportunity to escape right?

You'd be right, and I'm doing exactly that.

Skill Up!

「Electricity Resistance」has reached Level 2

Finally, some results.

A couple days of this I'd hope I get a bit more resistance to it.

Yeah, it's been a couple days since the incident with red-eyes.

They really did a number on me that day.

Afterwards, I went through the same trouble I'm going through today.

These knights parade me around their grounds shouting odd words at me and yanking on my leash.

I'm taking guesses on whether it means left, right, go, stop, and so on.


See? here we go again.

I'm yanked by my leash as the new knight takes my electric leash.

Still surprising they can grab it with no problem.

Probably those rods they carry.

I tried taking one from someone unconscious, but the second I did.


Shocked until I dropped it.

Guess they thought of that part.

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