E9: The Escape Plan

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I'll never get tired of this. The feeling of running along the rooftop of the manor, jumping around while using my magic to get from one place to the next. I'd enjoy this feeling more if I had the time, but I have a request to complete.

I lead Nat and Iris as we move from one wing of the manor to the other and head for the garden.

Despite what Nat and Iris say about each other they both can use basic magic fairly well and are athletic enough to keep pace with me.

Looking back the dragon is frantic in his bubble carriage. Guess he's not used to heights.

Soon our journey along the rooftops ends and we reach the courtyard and garden of our residence. This place is considered my own personal gateway to the outside and holds a small enough passageway in and out of the manor.

"Follow me." I tell the others as I head down from the roof to the small garden below.

Iris and Nat look at me confused at first as I walk alongside the shrubby.

"So what's your plan next?" Iris asks "I hope you don't expect us to scale the wall."

"This." I say as I feel the leaves lessen and allow my arm to sink right in. I push aside the branches showing a small opening leading out forming a small tunnel. I'm not too sure why such an opening exists, but from the looks of the crumbling wall. It's an undiscovered, natural, secret exit that I doubt anyone knows about. If they did, they would've sealed it close by now.

I start to go through the shrubby past the wall and motion for the girls to follow me through. It's a very short path that leads us outside past the wall and barrier. It only takes a couple steps and moving past the bushes on the other side to end up outside undetected.

"We actually got outside past the barrier." Iris says surprised. "I honestly didn't think we'd get this far. To sneak past a barrier through such a crude metho--"

"Who cares how we did it. We're all set to go now." Nat says nudging Iris with her elbow.

I smile before reaching into my bag and pulling out the beast encyclopedia from it. The book itself has a map of the area certain monsters are found in. It may be crude, but if we use the monsters in the area as a guide we should be able to head in the right direction.

"Nat. Can you tell which way is-?"

"Shhh." Nat lit up with a hand to me.

<"Hey! We're outside now right?"> the dragon growls out only to get shushed by Nat.

Nat motions us towards a set of patrolling guards which were wandering around on their patrol route. Not good.

"Okay." I say to them softly

I guess we need to be quiet and sneak past them. It might be hard with a dragon in tow, but if worse comes to worse.


My thoughts are interrupted as water hits us from the side. A glance is all I need to see the dragon out of the water prison and on the ground shaking his fur dry.

I guess we didn't need to carry him all the way there, just until we were outside. Well at least he knows we're trying to help him...or not.

The second he finished shaking himself he ran for the tree's.

"Hey!" I called out, but before I could even give chase Iris spoke up.

"Not good." She says opening her book. "We've been detected and the knights are gathering here "

The sound of knights gathering caught my attention and I turned to Iris and Nat. "Come on. We're going after the dragon."

The two of them ran behind me as we ran after the dragon, or at least down the path we think he took. It's hard to figure out where he went exactly but given the alternatives, which were captured from the knights, this was probably the best route.

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