37: Foxes (III)

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I could feel the blue flames form in his mouth.

There was no time to think or dodge.

I just had to take--



Suddenly, I started speeding up.

It felt like my body got lighter and my legs got stronger.

It seems like I wasn't the only one either.

The rest of my siblings also started to speed up as well, all while being surrounded in a faint glow.

I want to question what happened, but for now I'm just focusing on surviving.

That last attack just barely missed us and that fox from before hasn't stopped running after us.

That said, it  did move around the flames in order to attack us.

So you're not fire proof either?

In that case.

"Everyone!" I yell out as loud as I can. "Burn everything!"

I can't explain why so I have to trust that at least trust me.

「Fire Cowl」

I don't hesitate to light myself up and even push as much flames I can possibly generate as I do so.

Skill Up!
「Fire Cowl」has reached Level 2

I keep on running while flames come off my body.

I do my best to spread as many flames as I can.

Thankfully, I'm not the only one.

My siblings are also using their fire breaths to also light as many trees as they can on fire.

Baelvari even used his 「Fire Control」 to burn other trees and bushes further ahead.

It didn't take long for the forest around us to turn into a sea of  flames.

With all the times we've set this forest on fire, its a surprise it hasn't burned down yet.

Well, not that I'm complaining.

This heat is something else though.

The flames around us are spreading further with everyone's help.


"Baelvari! Control these flames!" I roar out.

"Won't it barely hurt this thing!?" He roars back confused.

"Just aim for its face!" I roar out before letting out a wind breath right at the fox.

No surprise it dodged and kept on running towards me.

Baelvari grunts and before we know it, the flames around us start to stretch inward and strike back toward the fox.

I saw it jump again to dodge.


My wind breath from before, now coated in flames, slams down on its from mid air.

The flames of Baelvari reach up to it as it fell down.

It growled as it was caught in the flames and was now wrestling with the fire.


Yokinar Fexin

HP: 97%
MP: 98%
SP: 80%
ST: 96%

ATK: Extremely High
DEF: Very High
SPD: Very High
INT: High

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