8: Words

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Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant)

HP: 40

MP: 20

ST: 100%


「Scratch Lv4」「Tail Sweep Lv3」「Wind Control Lv1」「Wind Magic」「Fire Resistance Lv10」「Fire Nullification」「Wind Resistance Lv1」「Electricity Resistance Lv1」「Plasma Resistance Lv1」「Pain Resistance Lv8」「Observation Lv6」 「Comforting Lv1」「Wind Blessing」「Hidden Lv???」

I looked at my stats early in the morning. 

It's starting to become a routine for me.

Looking at them is nice and all but I really didn't get much in terms of changes here, even though my observation level went up. 

Yes, it didn't change how I view my stats

however If I look at my sister.

Female Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Big Sis #5)
HP: 100%
MP: 100%

See? See? I can see my sis' HP and MP stats!

This is incredible. 

I'm starting to see the stats of others as well

As far as combat goes this helps a lot, I can finally gauge my targets strength by just looking at them.

Yes yes, this is all good for me. 

Nothing but positives. 

Yet, however good all this may be, that's not my goal right now. 

My goal right now is to learn how to breath fire.

I already know its possible because Big Bro #1 and now even Big Bro #3 are doing it.

It might not seem like much, but to me breathing fire is a staple of being a dragon.

That and flying.

Without wings or knowing how to use magic, I'll have to give up on flying for the time being.

Despite my fluffy appearance, I'm a magma wyrmling myself.

At the very least I should be able to breathe out some kind of dragon breath.

Fire would be the best, and would make sense when you consider the others.

An actual magma breath or molten fire breath would be just as awesome to have too though.

For now though, let's focus on actually learning a breath, as it seems to be possible for variants.

Best way to learn something is to ask someone to teach you.

Now then who should I ask?

Mom seems like a good choice, except I fear she'll try some other spartan like training on me.

Big Bro #1 or Big Bro #3 seems like a safe bet.

I'll try asking them first

I walk up to my Big Bro #1 and gave him a couple growls.

"Hey can you teach me to shoot fire too?"

I think I'm saying this to him.

Not too sure personally.

I'm not exactly sure what I said, but seeing as I'm a dragon I hope I said it right.

He looked at me with a confused look.

He growled back what felt like a question, something like "Why me?"

Why not you?

"Because you are my big brother and you were first to learn it." I hopefully growled out to him.

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