20: Cooking

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"Wait...h-hold on." I say holding up my claw. "Can you run that by me again?"

Little Bro #8 looked up at me and said, "I used to be a human."

Yeah, that's what I thought you said.

It seems like Little Brother here has a secret or two he's been hiding from us.

I need to keep calm and not freak out.

It's not like this information would mean anything to an ignorant dragon wyrmling, so I'll play a bit dumb.

"So you were one of these 'human' things?" I ask, looking confused.

"Yeah." He nods

I give him a skeptical look.

"No, Seriously." He answers, waving both his claws in front of himself. " I may look like this now, but I was a human long ago."

Keep talking little brother.

"But you look like a dragon like all the others to me." I say circling around him.

"Well, what if I show you something a normal little dragon can't do?"

"You mean that 'cooking' thing? Is that something special to do with food?" I ask him.

Little Bro #8 lights up and nods "Yeah, humans can make all sorts of delicious foods."

"Oh?" I say a bit impressed. "This better not be a trick just to eat my food."

"It's not, I promise." He says, shaking his head.

"Okay then show me...tomorrow." I say letting out a yawn.

He seems confused by my statement.

"I'm still hurt, tired, and somewhat full. I think saving this for tomorrow after I've recovered a bit is best."

Not only that, but I need a bit of time to figure out my next move.

"Anyway I'm tired and I'm gonna go to sleep soon." I say while smothering the fire with my claws.

"Okay...sure." Little Bro #8 says a bit softly.

With the fire out I turn to see my little brother walking off.

His tail swayed a bit lower than normal.

Seems like he took my words to mean something else.

It's not like I don't believe him.

I'll clear up the misunderstanding in the morning.

For now, I'll just lay down and try to sleep.



Another day, another morning waking up to black scales.

At the very least don't lay on me when I'm injured.

My siblings must find me comfortable or something.

For all of them to lay on me.

Regardless, I'm awake now and I don't like this stuffy heavy feeling.

Freeing myself from the dragon pile, I stretch out my limbs and back the best I can.

My body feels light somehow, despite everything.

Must've had a good night's rest.

"Good morning Big Brother."

I was called out mid yawn by Little Bro #8.

Perfect timing in my eyes.

"Little Bro. Mornin'." I reply. "Sleep well?"

"Mhmm" He hums out with a nod.

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