28: Corridor

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I huff heavily as I run down the corridors and through the halls.

I can hear other knights and personal all yelling and searching for me. 

I wanted to make a dash for the exit but...

I still have no dang idea where I am!

I thought I'd try heading out to the knights training area, but the second I thought that I realised it was a dumb idea.

Might as well walk into a lion's den yelling 'Fresh meat'.

On that note, I'm not sure my current idea is any better.

I'm currently inside this massive home of the royals running down the halls looking for the front door.

I had to climb up two sets of steps to avoid some rushing personnel that were looking for me.

Nearly got caught by a passing maid as well.

If I could just find a way out of this giant madhouse of a place...

I stop by a window and stand on hind legs to peek out and see where I am.

Thanks to my short stature I could only see the sky.

I start to climb up to get a better look...

"Zui! Mi siva a Draco!"

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." I growl out under my breath.

I kick off of the wall and start running away from the knight.

I seriously don't have the MP to deal with them.

I turn a corner to a splitting hallway.
Left or right.


「Accelerated Thinking」

Then 「Tracking」

time slows down before i start trying to sniff out the knights scen--.

It is everywhere.

I tried sniffing out the metal in their armor to figure out where they were and they're scent is everywhere.

Dang it!

Okay plan B.


Eenie meenie miney moe, which way should this dragon...go?


Let's go left then.

I run down the left side of the hallway.

「Danger Detection」

...Oh no.

"Oi! Zui il i!"

I'm going right! I'm going right!

I book it back down the hallway towards the opposite direction. 

This isn't good.

This is definitely not good.

I have to lose these knights on my tail and get out of here somehow!

There has to be something I can use.

Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant)⛓

HP: 108
MP: 2⛓
SP: 10⛓
ST: 64%
ATK: 30⛓
DEF: 30⛓
SPD: 30⛓


「Scratch Lv10」「Slash Lv1」「Tail Sweep Lv6」「Tail Whip Lv3」「Small Bite Lv9」「Killing Bite Lv4」「Sneak Attack Lv1」「Wind Control Lv1」「Wind Magic」「Fire Cowl Lv1」「Dragon Breath Lv 4」「Mana Breath」「Fire Dragon Breath」「Water Dragon Breath」「Wind Dragon Breath」「Earth Dragon Breath」
「Fire Resistance Lv10」「Fire Nullification」「Wind Resistance Lv1」「Electricity Resistance Lv3」「Plasma Resistance Lv1」「Fear Resistance Lv2」「Pain Resistance Lv16」「Concentration Lv2」「Perseverance Lv2」「Accelerated Thinking Lv2」「Danger Detection Lv2」「Weak Point Search Lv2」「Dismantling Lv3」「Cooking Lv1」「Tracking Lv3」「Stealth Lv1」「Teacher Lv5」「Climbing  Lv2」「Dig Lv7」「Dragon Language」「Observation Lv10」「Appraisal Lv1」「Comforting Lv3」「Dragonize Lv1」「Skill Unlock Lv1」「Wind Blessing」「Hidden Lv???」「Fortune Trader」「Hyper Growth」

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