11: Tiger

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I took several steps away from the tiger and my siblings, walking away from them, with my big sis watching me.

One chance, we only have one chance.

He hasn't noticed us yet and he's completely focused on our five siblings.

It's a shame for me to say this, but I'm a very selfish being.

I'll satisfy my own desires over anyone else's.

Even with no memory of myself I can tell that much.

I quickly take off running right as I hear the roar of the tiger.

Is sis following me or not?

I suppose it doesn't matter if she does or not, but dammit if I'm getting killed because she didn't start running herself.

I ran as fast I could, past all the trees, grass crunching under neath, until I took one large leap up.

This is very undragon-like, but I can't help that can I?

Skill Gained

Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant) acquired「Sneak Attack」

I chomp down hard onto the tail of the tiger.

Is this a weak point?

I don't know, but it being a quadruped means I'm in a very hard to reach spot for it.
At least that loud roar meant that I hurt it.

Ah. Are you confused?

You thought I'd run away?

Ha! I was reborn into a world full of dragons.

If I can give my life to save amazing and cute dragons, then dammit I'm gonna do it.

I won't settle for any less than saving all of them.

Not half, not most, not a few; I'm saving all of them.

I'm not the hero type.

I'm just a dragon fanatic in a dragon's body.

As expected, the tiger really doesn't like me hanging on his tail.

It's spinning and thrashing around, just to get me off him.

It's even whipping his tail around. 

Now I fully understand the reasoning behind it doing so, I just don't like the situation it puts me in.

Also, its thrashing wont let me get a good grip on his tail with my claws.

Fangs don't fail me now.

I keep clenching tightly every chance I get.

Over and over, even as it thrashes and swings me around.

I'm completely disoriented by this point and am just hanging on for dear life.

The tiger soon begins to slam my body into tree's to get me to let go.

Over and over as he runs by them.

Wham! Whack! Thunk!

He's running around slamming me into tree after tree.

With each hit I hear a ringing in my ears and then buzzing afterwards before the next hit.

I must be taking some heavy damage right now.

My eyes are closed shut right now as I merely brace for impact after impact, chomping down tighter with each hit.


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