E10: Release and Catch

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The dragon mother stared at me for a while before turning back about to face my sister and her men. I could feel her gaze just leave me completely. Did she just completely disregard me? I'd like to think she saw me as an ally, but I can't be too sure. 

There's silence, followed by a loud cracking noise, and a thud. I look down to see the collar the dragon wore completely broken, cut right through in a straight line.

Several knights raise their guard alongside Asceline. Each of them looked nervously at the woman.

"You there. State your name." A knight called out.

The dragons mother slowly raised up her hand as if going to use a spell, before flicking her wrist down. In an instant everyone's armor showed a large cut going across their body. Several knights dropped to their knees, holding their chest through the armor. Several of them groaned from the pain with a few simply dropping to the ground from it

The only one who got out of the sudden attack was Asceline, whose armor showed a large gash on it, but still remained intact. She grunted holding her lance aiming at the dragon mother.

"Oh? You withstood that?" She asks curiously. No, Amused?

Asceline raised up her lance ready to throw it, before looking at the woman again.

"I know what you're thinking. Go ahead. Throw it. I won't run." She tells her.

Asceline glances past her to me before grunting. That look. Did she just…? With a strong throw, Asceline threw her weapon at the woman as hard as she could. There was only a few feet so she could dodge if she wanted, but she didn't. Infact she flicked her hand upward to bat the weapon away into the air. In that instance, Asceline was right in front of the woman with a sword in hand. She already closed their distance to cut her down from her arm that was carrying the dragon in it. Asceline quickly swung with her sword quickly across her body.

Swish! The sword was swung before the women could act. Blood dripped onto the ground below. Asceline stepped backwards on shaky legs, while holding her shoulder, sword held tightly. The tip of her lance dug into the ground as it landed, followed by its handle. Soon to join the ground in broken parts, would be the metal blade of Asceline's sword.

"Who are you?...What are you?" Asceline asks glaring.

The woman held up her hand, of which her fingertips were covered in blood, before quickly flicking her gloved finger of the substance at Asceline. "Me? An angry mother who has very little patience left."

The woman held up her hand as a claw-like shape from a sinister dark glow started to come off it. She swung across at the group, forming a massive wave of darkness to slash through them. At first it didn't seem to do anything, but suddenly the knights began to scream and convulse on the ground. 

From what I could see, several of them started to show unusual symptoms. One of them was smoking with burns start to show on their skin, another twitched and shuddered as if trying to move but couldn't, one was looking pale and gasping for air. Even Asceline, as strong as she was, screamed out in pain before looking around confused.

"Oh? Well this is a rare one." The mother dragon says right past Asceline.
Asceline turned in response, head turning left and right. "Normally when I do this, poison, corrosion, burning; These are the most common one's. Maybe paralysis or freezing, bleeding if they're wounded, terror or petrification if I get lucky." She kept walking around Asceline with a growing smirk. "but blindness…blindness is very rare, and much more interesting."

Seeing her smile as she looked at Asceline's predicament, while listening to her explanation, made me realize what she just did, as well as what she was thinking. She just inflicted everyone with some kind of negative effects. On top of that she did so for no other reason than to amuse herself. Not for her son's safety, but for her own amusement.

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