27: Insect

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Once more I'm spending the morning trying to comprehend what happened yesterday.


It was strange asking all those questions with that noble girl.

Still, I learned quite a few things from her.


Most importantly I was able to get a good look at her magic.

It was very different from what I was expecting, but considering it was wind magic I might be able to use it alongside my own breath.

Now I just need to figure out how she activated it.

"Hey! I know you can hear me."

But first things first.

"How long are you going to be lost in thought?"

"Oh, shut up you overgrown bug!" I roar at the squeaking voice.

Ever since yesterday when the noble girl came in, this little thing has been fluttering around me and buzzing in my ear.

"Bug!? How dare you!" It squeaked back at me. "What part of this cute and adorable me looks even remotely like a bug to you?"

I look at the being hovering in the air.

It did look mostly human in shape, but with several changes.

Its skin was a light green in color for a start and its appearance and body shape was very androgynous.

Its eyes were entirely one solid vibrant green and had equally green colored hair that flowed about wherever it moved.

Its hands and feet did not exist and instead ended in this odd rose-like appearance.

On its back were a pair of fluttering wings like what you'd expect on a moth or butterfly, but transparent like those you'd find on an insect.

I stare at it for a second. 

"...Your wings, your eyes, the tone of your voice, the shape of your hair, the way you move about in the air; Do you want me to keep going?" 

"Knh knhknhknhknh!"

Should I also have mentioned how it chirps like a cricket when it gets frustrated?

"How dare you...you-you-you arrogant little brat!"

"Are you sure you're not talking to a mirror?" I say bluntly. "Last I checked, you came out of nowhere, started making claims and promises to me if I bowed down to you, then got mad once I started ignoring you to talk to that girl."

"I can help you out a thousand times more than that human girl can!"

"That might be true, but considering between the two of you and what I know, I'd rather put my lot in with that curious noble girl rather than some arrogant bug."

"Ugh! You called me a bug again!"

It ruffled its hair with its petal-like hands while kicking in frustration.

"I already told you I'm not a bug! I'm a wind spirit!"

Wind spirit.

I have no idea what a spirit is, but given it has wind in its name I can assume it's something of an elemental of wind.

God, I hope not all spirits are like this.

"Oh, I'm 'so' sorry." I apologize sarcastically. "I'll try to remember that from now on."

The 'spirit' huffed puffing out its chest. "As long as you remember to do so I'll forgive you this time."

I roll my eyes.

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