21: Eight

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The day had barely started and I was already in a bad situation.

No, it wasn't another attack from the monsters.

No it wasn't something from Farris and Ennith either, although given the two I'd expect Ennith to try something.

No, my current situation was from my sibling.

Little Bro #8 who was eagerly rushing ahead of me.

"Big Brother!" He called out to me! "This way! hurry!"

"Slow down, I'm not as fast as you are."

Somehow the two of us are paired up for hunting.

Why do I say 'somehow'?

Well, I didn't expect us to somehow all end up in this situation.

After the incident with the bear, we've decided that staying together in a group would be the best idea.

It was an easy conclusion we all came to and wasn't really a problem with anyone.

What came afterwards was the real problem.

When we were deciding who would group up with everyone, Big Bro #1 and #3, Bid Sis #5, and I were all targeted by the other 4 siblings of ours.

It seemed as though the four of us were the "Heroes of the hour" as it was put.

Splitting into groups would be problematic.

Okay class, It's "Professor Wyrmling's Thinking Time!"

Today's problem? The Wyrmling grouping problem!

You have 10 wyrmlings that want to be grouped up for hunting.

Among those 10, you have 4 popular wyrmlings that the others want to be paired up with.

How would you divide the groups up?

Well there's several solutions to this problem.

We could make 2 groups of five wyrmlings; the groups would be even in number between everyone.

Good idea but, that would make hunting in such a group too big.

Some of the smaller animals will run if they sense us coming and a group that large makes it more likely they'll see us coming.

Then 2 groups of three and a group of four; same plan as before.


One group would have two of the popular wyrmling like before, I can imagine then complaining and a fight erupting out of nowhere.

5 groups of two then; Even as before and the groups would be small enough to hunt in.

Most definitely not.

We would be too small of a group and if we stumble across a large beast like the tiger or bear again, we'd be in big trouble.

No. Knowing my siblings, the only option we'd have--

"Okay, then let's have everyone group up with one of us then." Big Bro #1 says.

Looks like I wasn't the only one thinking this.

So if we divide the groups up evenly then each of us should--

"I wanna go with Big Brother!" Little Sis #7 says moving up to Big Bro #1 side.


"Heh, Sure. I'm okay with that." Big Bro #1 replies.

"I think...I'll go with you Little Sister." Big Sis #2 growls out.

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