30: Escape

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These three girls are crazy.

I repeat.

These three girls are absolutely crazy!

Right now I'm being carried around in a water bubble while these three girls are running along the rooftop of the mansion.

By the way, did I mention that these three got out here from a window?

I know I talked about jumping out a window once, but I'm a dragon.

A Wyrmling maybe, but a dragon nonetheless.

If I fall, I might walk away with only a few broken bones.

If they fall from 3 levels up, I'm pretty sure they'll be just a step away from death.

Yet here they are running along the rooftops with little care for themselves.

The blonde is leading them with the violet and red head following her.

I still have no idea what's going on in their heads, but they seem to have a plan.

I hope they have a plan.

God, I hope they're not winging it.

They move to the manor rooftops before reaching the edge of the roof.

I peek over it and see a large courtyard and a small wall around it.

"Sequi mi." The blonde says hopping down with her friends following her.

Using wind magic, they land in the garden and check their surroundings.

The blonde hurried along with her friends towards the wall keeping me hidden all the way up until they reached it.

Well girls, I guess from here on you'll have to climb over now.

…or sure, a secret hole in the wall hidden by shrubbery.

I'm not complaining.

One way or another, they got me outside of that large manor.

All that's left now is to somehow find my way back home.

I let out a sigh as the girls still seemed to have me in the water bubble.

"Hey! We're outside now right?" I growl out.

I immediately got shushed by the red head.

I look in the direction they're glancing at to see a couple knights searching around the forest.


I guess we need to be quiet and sneak past them.

Yeah right.

I'm a lot faster than these girls and can sense a lot farther than them.

Thanks for the ride ladies, but I'm out of here.


I cut at the bubble with my claw tearing at the magic barrier repeatedly before it bursts.

I drop to the ground now soaked from the water, shake my fur, and take off in a direction towards the forest.

"Ah! Espo!"

Once in the  forest I active 
「Accelerated Thinking」and「Tracking」

I need the time to think while also checking to see if I can track my Farris, Ennith, or my siblings.

I'm not sure if it's possible since I don't know where I am, but it's worth a try.

Whelp, here goes.

Remember their scents and….

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