22: Sinking

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I dove in head first.

It was cold and my body felt heavy inside it.

Coming back up, I found myself struggling to stay above before clinging to the side for support.

"I told you it was a bad idea." Little Bro #8 says laying down right in front of me.

Currently it's just the two of us over at a Lake we found a couple days ago.

Everyone else was out hunting and searching for food.

Little Bro #8 and I are doing the same, however both he and I wanted to try our hand at fishing.

I thought I'd try swimming around and catching something underwater, except for one small fact.

I can't swim.

I don't know if it's a skill or not, but I can't swim.

I've been at this for a couple days and still no luck.

Heck, thrashing around as hard as I can in the saddest attempt to doggy paddle, barely keeps me from drowning.

I catch my breath on the edge of the lake.

"It seemed like a good idea at first." I sigh afterwards.

Little Bro #8 moves over to me. "Maybe if you practice a bit you could swim, but I don't know how you would go about it."

He's got a point.

I can hardly float, let alone swim, and if I stay in for too long I start to sink.

Perhaps if I had aquatic features like gills and fins, maybe even something like water magic.

Regardless, I pull myself out of the water and try shaking my fur as dry as I can.

"So, can we start fishing now?" Little Bro #8 calls out.

"Okay, let's give it a try."

No sooner that I say this, do I feel something tied to my tail. I look back to see a fairly long vine.

No wait, it's a green rope.

Where is he getting all this stuff?

Is he making it?


I've always been with him since we've left the cave.

Never once did I see him crafting or making this.

Come to think of it, he's had a lot of things pre-made before he started cooking as well.

"Okay let's start." He says with a smile.

I looked at him to see he also had a vine tied to his tail as well as something tried to it.

A small stone?

No, a small chunk of meat.

I look at the end of my line and find something similar tied to it.

"I'm going to try this area." He says before pointing downward. "You try over in that area."


I move to another side of the lake but still try to keep sight of Little Bro #8.

Fishing is a nice idea, but honestly I have no idea how to go about it.

I guess I just have to swing it out as far as I can into the water, right?

I lift my tail up while lowering my head.

With several strong tail wags, the line starts to whip into the air.

I then give one strong turn and whip of my tail and let it fly.

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