3: Firsts

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No way.

I have a status menu?



My own shock made me have to sit down.

It took me a moment to recover from my shock before admitting it to myself.

For some reason, I have a status menu floating in front of me.

This is really weird.

Why do I have this thing and how do I use it?

Do I just think about it and it appears?


Time for some tests.

It's not like I'm doing anything anyways.

First, I should focus on how to pull up the menu and put it away.

Since it popped up from me thinking about it, if I do the opposite...


It's gone.

It closed and vanished in an instance.

Now if I just think about it, it should...

Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant)

HP: 40

MP: 20

ST: 18%


「 Scratch Lv1」「 Fire Resistance Lv2」「Pain Resistance Lv1 」「 Observation Lv2」「 Hidden Lv???」

It's back again.

Alright, I have a status menu I can use!

This is awesome.

I'm still curious about why I have one, but let's not look at a gift horse in the mouth.

It's even intuitive and moves so it is either in sight or out of it.

It's like it's reading my mind.

Well if it appears and disappears at will, I suppose it would have to be like that in one way or another.

Okay, let's actually see what on this menu itself.

Looking at the menu it seems I'm called a magma dragon wyrmling.

Judging from the parentheses, I'm a kind of 'variant' of the normal kind.

Wyrmling are a type of baby dragons, those that are just born.

I guess that's pretty self explanatory then.

There are other names for newborn dragons, but I suppose here it's 'wyrmlings'.

The 'magma' part is a bit surprising.

Magma means the melted rock inside the earth.

So are we a combination of fire and earth?

If that's the case, a 'magma dragon' should we be immune to fire based attacks, right?

Then why do those fire attacks hurt us?



Guess I'll look at this status screen a bit more.

「Fire Resistance」 huh?

Again, where was that when I was getting burned!?

Is the status screen trying to anger me?

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