13: Questions

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I feel heavy.

My whole body feels like lead.

Am I dea--?


Death wouldn't feel this heavy or painful.

Wait, this heaviness feels familiar.

I struggle to wake myself up to find black scales on top of me.

I knew it.

These siblings of mine keep falling asleep on me.

Can't you treat the injured more gently?

"Get off of him!" Big Sis #5 roars.

The dragons on me quickly get off and scurry away.

Big Sis #5 comes into my view out the corners of my eyes.

She moved in front of me, looking at the directions my siblings ran, before huffing.

Smoke puffed out of her nostrils as she did so. 

"Next one to lay on little brother, I am biting!" She growls out.

It's nice to feel loved, I guess.

Still, my family seems as physical as ever.

I roll over to my stomach and slowly try to stand--




A lot of pain.

I managed to stand, but my legs feel like electricity is running through them.

How tired was I?

Did my legs fall asleep?

Was it 'cause I slept weird?

Well having siblings lay on top of you would do that, I guess.

"Little brother!" I hear Big Sis #5 say while moving up to me.

She looks around at me before nuzzles my face. 

It's rough, or feels rough, as she pushes her face into my own.

The force of the pushing allone causes my legs to reposition multiple times.

Each sends a new jolt of pain that I'm unable to hide from my face.

"Little brother?" She asks, pulling back worried.

"Sis, I'm fine." I tell her, although I probably don't look it.

"You're hurt." She growls back. "That thing did this to you."

I guess they wouldn't know what a tiger is, would they?

"Really, I'm okay. Just slept in the wrong position." I growl out giving a smile, or my best attempt at one with a dragon muzzle.

She didn't buy what I was selling.

It's not like I don't understand where she's coming from.

Her little brother essentially was dragged off after one of his attacks landed, by a creature that five of them couldn't handle by themselves.

Speaking of which.

I looked around the cave and aside from the dragons who were laying on me, I didn't see anyone else.

Mom, Dad, Big Bro #1, Little Bro #8 and Big Sis #2; all of them are missing.

"Big Sis." I turn to face her. "Where is everyone?"

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