2: Fire

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I feel something rubbing against me.

It's warm but sticky.

Is it a dog?

Ugh, it's touching my face and smells bad.

Now there's more of them

Okay okay, you win.

Just stop touching my face.

I opened my eyes just in time to have my face rubbed by something large and pink.


Just gross.

I sit up and wipe my face of the slime.

It feels different than a human face.

I don't want to look.

Yep. A white claw.

So it wasn't a dream.

I really am a dragon.

I feel conflicted now.

This seems great and all but I still know nothing about myself

Why am I a dragon?

I don't even know why or how I became this and yet--ow!

Ugh, my head hurts.

I looked above me, or more of it felt like i was told "look above" as the others were doing the same.

Looking up I see a much, much larger dragon before me.

It had jet black scales and large wings on its back with a pair of green eyes and large horns.

It looked exactly like a black dragon would look like.

It's so exciting I had to jump for joy.

I just can't stop my excitemen-Ow!


My head hurt and I had to stop.

Or once again it felt like I was told "stop".

Well regardless, just looking at this figure and seeing the dragons around me made me realize it was definitely the parent to these other black ones.

Another small headache.

Don't move?

All these other thoughts are really starting to get annoying.

Worse of all I can tell these thoughts aren't my own or they didn't originate from me.

Was it from the parent dragon?

Even if it was, how was it doing it?

Ugh, this is starting to hurt.

I light up suddenly feeling sharp burning pain on my body.

I look to see I'm on fire.

Not just me, but others as well.

Hell, forget about them right now.

I have to put myself out.

I roll around on the ground, wincing from the burns I already obtained before the flames were put out.

I relaxed a bit looking myself over.

A lot of burnt black fur from what I saw.

I was distracted last time to even realize why I was on fire to begin with, but looking at the others I soon realized this wasn't over.

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