32: Appraisal

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I lay down while watching the princess cook.

She seemed to be doing well, all things considered.

Then again she has 3 of my siblings crowding her.


"Hey! No stealing ahead Big Bro!" I growl out.


Caught red fanged and greasy clawed.

He tried to sneak off with a steak from the pile.

At the notice of my call out Little Bro #8 quickly moved over to Big Bro #4 and jumped on him.

"I can't believe you tried to steal food from right in front of everyone." He growled out.

"Are you really one to talk?" A growl off to the side.

I'm surprised he's doing as well as he's doing.

Actually, doesn't he already have him pinned?

Little Bro #8 seems to be getting even stronger.

Speaking of strength.

Let's start looking over my skills.

I want to learn more about what I can do as well as skills in general.

Appraisal should help me with getting a baseline, while the princess should help me with any general stuff I miss.

So. With that out of the way.

Time for an appraisal festival!

Let's start from the top and work down.



[A basic attack caused by cutting the target. The strength of the attack can vary based on the user.]

Well that's no surprise.

I didn't learn anything new from that.



[A strong attack used to cut through a target. By focusing you can increase the attack's power or sharpness.]

I can change its sharpness by focusing?




[An attack caused by using your legs. The strength of the attack can vary based on the user.]

This one's like Scratch but for legs.


[Tail Sweep]

[The user swings their tail horizontally to attack their target. Power in this attack can change based on tails speed and strength. Other skills can be chained with this skill. Due to variation, this attack has less attack power but more mana conductivity.]


This one seems more detailed than the others.

It talks about chaining skills as well as mentioned something about my variation.

This attack's power goes down but I gain something called 'mana conductivity'.

If I had to guess it has something to do with magic.

Maybe I can do things like use magic while using this attack.

Which means right now I can do squat with it.

No magic, no mana conductivity.


Let's move on before I make myself depressed.

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