E1: I have a secret

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A long stretch of a corridor I've seen before.

Maids and servants all moving about to finish their duties.

The click of my heels with every step I make as I make my way down the long hallway.

The light, green colored dress I wore shuffled with each step I took.

Yes, it was another normal day for me in the large manor I called home.

Everyone was moving about, doing the jobs they were assigned to.

A glance out the window showed the knights training outside on the practice field.

Such a lovely sunny day.

On days like these it would be a crime to sit indoors and not enjoy the warm weather of Suhim.

Suhim, the season of the Earth Spirit Humis.

That is how you would say "spring" in this world.
Yes, I do mean this world.

This world I currently live in is not my original world.

Well, that's not entirely true.

I was in fact born in this world, I have memories supporting this fact.

Along with these memories I also have memories of another world, which is the one I came from before.

I guess the best way I can put it for myself is reincarnation.

Still, this reincarnation is strange because I didn't remember everything about my previous life and my current life at the same time.

My name is Ernamaria Von Saurtide, fourth child and third daughter of the Saurtide Household.

This was the only truth I knew up until I turned six.

One day, I started having strange visions of places and people I had never seen before.

It wouldn't have been a problem if these visions didn't start becoming more frequent by the day.

They started to plague my everyday life, eventually growing into headaches.

Day by day these visions, my memories, would keep flooding in.

This continued until all the facts of my previous self were known to me.

Emily Miller, a second year highschool student at the age of sixteen.

I not only picked up on my previous self's memories, but also her intellect as well.

I knew how to read a language that didn't exist in this world as well solve and read at a higher level.

but I also started adapting to my previous mannerisms and behaviours as well.

My body was indeed that of a six year old child, but I also had an intelligence and thoughts like that of a modern teenager.

Not that it matters now.

Well, I eventually found a way past all those hurdles so everything has been calm for the time being.

As I walked down these halls lost in thought, I nearly run into a much larger roaming knight.

I stop myself just before collision, much like he does.

"Pardon me milady." He says giving a small bow.

I look up at the grown, thick built man in lightly silver armor. 

His dark brown hair and thick bearded face bowing slightly to me as his green eyes never left my own.

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