17: Scratch

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Everyone gathers around on one side of the wall of earth and faces me.

"Let's dig into this wall." I say with a wide smile.


Don't look at me like that.

"Um...let me explain." I start up again. "This wall here was made by the bear."

"Bear?" a sibling asks

"The monster inside. I'll explain later." I say quickly cutting off that familiar pattern. "If we keep attacking the wall, we will get stronger."

"Will it?" Little Sis #7 asks. "Will it make us stronger?"

It will make us stronger, and in a natural way as well.

Problem is explaining to them how it increases their skills level.

I don't think they know what skills are.

Even if they do, I doubt they'd understand it all if I explained it to them.

I hardly know about skills myself.

It'd end up being a downward spiral of questions.

Even that would take all day to explain how it works.

The best thing to do here is to have them just trust me, but...

"Little Bro." Big bro #1 say

He's looking me straight in the eye.

"This will work, right?"

I look at him blinking a bit. 


"Sharpening our claws on this wall. It will work right?" He asks me.

I look a bit dumbfounded at him and nod. "Yeah, it will work."

He smiles and turns to the others.

"It will work." He says with a smile. "He's weird but he's smart. If he says it will work, it will work."

"I trust my brothers!" Big sis #5 says happily.

"Yeah, I trust them too." Little Sis #6 says

"Me too Me too!" Little Bro #9 chimes out

"Both of them are so strong. So if we do it as well..." Big Sis #2 muses

"Hmm." Big Bro #3 hums out with a nod.

Little Sis #7 huffs before looking off to the side. "If you say so."

She's already going through her moody phase?

Anyways, I'm glad Big Bro #1 helped me out.

He definitely has this way of getting the others to follow him so easily.

"Okay. We'll start as two groups and scratch at the wall bit by bit." I start explaining the plan.

After a bit of explaining and moving around, everyone was lined up on the wall. 

We leaned up on the wall with claws out.

I looked left and right against everyone and took a deep breath in, then out.


With that roar of mine, everyone begins to scratch and claw at the wall with all their might.

It was tough.

It was hard.

Marks were being left behind and small rubble pulled away.

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