34: Wind

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I stare up at the dark cloudy sky.

It's such a gloomy grey even during midday.

Rain hasn't started to fall, yet lightning and thunder flash across the sky.

I walk down a path as I continue along my journey.

I'm not sure where I'm headed, but something tells me I have to keep going.

There's a throbbing pain as I move through the woods, but I ignore it.

Walking about I finally reach my destination.

It's an open field with wispy like beings floating about.


Wayward spirits.

They circled around a person dressed in a dark gray cloak.

Their face is hidden behind a mask with a crossed out 'X' on it.

I stand ready to fight, raising the staff I had in hand.

The opposing person raised up a hand as the spirits rush towards me.

I swung my own staff around, energy following behind as a large shadowy mass extended out where I swung.

It opened a fanged maw and began to devour the spirits I swung at.

One by one they were cleared away.

What came next was the masked person holding a large violet flame with their hand.

I point my staff towards the flame right as they launch it in my direction.

The shadows ran towards it and swallowed the flame.

It then glowed violet before bursting apart in a violet purple.

I stretch my staff out as shadows extend out from under my feet towards the masked person.

They stretch up and wrap around their body restraining them in shadowy tendrils.

I point my staff out to them and begin forming another shadowy mass at the being.

Its maw opened up before lunging at the masked‐‐



I quickly jolt awake looking around.

Something had hit the top of my head.

Or more like someone.

Fluttering in front of me is the fluttering insect from before.

"Ugh...it's you." I groan out rubbing my head.

"Finally. You're awake." It chirped out. "I've been trying to wake you up for a good several minutes now."

"Well, I was asleep so..."

Geez, I know I fell asleep from Ennith's magic and all but I was still sleeping.

"I noticed, but you were twitching and squirming about." It replied back "What? Were you having a nightmare?"


Condition met

「Hidden」skill effect activating.

Skills Gained

Felsaneo Korotik Crysprit acquired「Shadow Weaver」

Condition met

Acquisition of 「Shadow Weaver」unlocks「Spirit Sense」,「Curse Eater」, and「Shadow Control」

Gah! So suddenly!?

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