E8: Unexpected Guest Work

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There was a knock on the door followed by a voice saying. "Excuse us"
A knight opened the door and looked at the three of us as we sat in our spots 

"Sorry to intrude Young Lady Saurtide." the knight says bowing to me.

"What's all this commotion about?"  I ask him, glancing at Iris.

"The young dragon we've captured has escaped."  the knight replied while at attention. "It seems the dragon hasn't left the manor so we are searching the manor for it." 

The knight takes a small look around the room, walking around our table and checking the furniture for anything strange he even checked the curtains and bench nearby before being satisfied.

"It doesn't appear that the dragon is in this room." The knight says once more infront of us.

"Of course not." Iris says confidently. "Do you think we would be here like this if there was one?"

"Y-yeah. I could beat a dragon or two." Nat says shakily. Guess someone as honest as Nat can't really lie that well.

"I apologize for the disturbance." The knight says to us before heading to the door. "If you see anything suspicious, do call for us." 

With the close of the door we wait and listen for the footsteps of the knights to walk away before all of us let out a sigh. 

"It's safe now." I say lifting up the cushion beside me to reveal the white furred dragon underneath.

When the dragon came I quickly showed Nat and Iris how harmless it was by feeding it some of the cookies. That's when I got that strange request from it.

<"You need to hide me quick!"> he suddenly growled at me. <"Not for long, just until the knights outside leave.">

I thought for a moment before agreeing to help. I turned and asked Nat and Iris for help as well they both agreed with me.

"Okay Maria". Iris says with a nod
"Just tell us what to do." Nat adds with a thumbs up.

With that we quickly choose to hide the dragon away in the couch cushions. Since it was so close to us, there was no way a knight would cheek it so closely. Not to mention how natural I managed to make it work. It also helped that the dragon was understanding as well.

"Iris." I called out to her. "Can you detect any knights nearby?". 

Iris' book flips a few pages as she channels her magic through it. Iris' book is actually a medium for her magic much like a wand is, however using it effectively is more difficult than a wand. 

"It should be safe for a while." Iris says finally with a nod.

I turned my attention to the dragon and crouched down in front of it so that we were eye level to each other. "Don't worry, you're safe now."

I try to place my hand on his head, but he quickly swatted my hand away.

<"Hands off">

"Ehehehe…" I chuckle softly. "Oh come on! I saved you back there."

He huffs, turning his head off to the side.

I try once more to sneak a hand on his head but he just raises a claw to stop me easily. Even pushing down on it didn't make a budge. So with a sigh i give up. 

"Such a prideful little thing, aint it?" Nat says sword on her hip.

"Yeah, thanks again for this." I thank them.

"When that dragon came in and you spoke with it, everything you said really started to make sense." Nat explained. "Well aside from the reincarnation thing.

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