12: Risk

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I have to do something.

The only thought I currently have is that. 

But in this weakened state is there even something I can do to change this?

I look back to my status thinking.

There has to be something, anything I can do?

If only I had a skill that could get us out of this situation.


I just might.

My newest skill 「Skill Unlock」

It might be able to help me out. 

I have no idea what it may do, but at this point it's better than doing nothing.

「Skill Unlock」

The world grayed out around me as a large list of skills appear in front of my face. 

White text in front of a black floating screen.

There's an eerie silence as I glance around. 

Everything is frozen in place, each locked in position as time seems to have stopped.

This feeling is the same as the one from before.

That odd white space.

Any attempt to move around this greyed out world only confirms I'm locked in place. 

My head was able to move some, but I could avert my gaze too far from the screen itself.

Free to think but not to move, must come with the skill.

I turn my attention back to the list.

It was a massive screen with a large skill list.

Like the name suggests, it has a lot of skills that look both familiar and alien all placed on a screen for me to see.

Looking through, I spot multiple skills listed like; Magic Fusion, Survivor, and General.

Seems like i can scroll through the list as well, and see even more skills.

There's some good sounding skills such as Edge Master, Beast Charmer, Combat Expert, Guardian.

That last one sounds tempting.

There's one that catches my eye and grabs my attention.

Dragon Breaths.

No, there has to be a better choice than this one.

Keep looking, Keep looking

Here's some job sounding skills here like Healer, Hunter, Berserker, Sniper, Brawler . 

My attention shifts back to the Dragon Breath.

No no no.

I need a skill that can help me.

adding Dragon Breath will just get my siblings and I killed.

I should pick the Guardian and protect my siblings with its abilities.

I can get the breaths at a later time.

Condition met

「Skill Unlock」skill effect activating

Skill Gained

Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant) acquired「Dragon Breath」

No self control.

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