15: Training

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I woke up on fire.

I wish this was some kind of metaphor, but no.

I woke up literally on fire.

"Oh. Hello Little Brother" Big Sis #5 says happily

"Morning." I reply

"Little Brother. Why are you on fire?"

"That's a good question. Let's find someone who can answer it."

I stand up and look around the cave.

"Nevermind. I have my answer."

Seems like everyone is working on trying to get stronger.

From wrestling with each other to fire breaths, they did everything.

Roll roll.

Shake shake.

Pat pat.

Now that I'm out, I should probably find the one responsible for this.

Farris wouldn't normally let this happen.

All this random fighting and wrestling under his watch doesn't sound right for his personality.

That leaves only two options.

And option #1 just rolled right in front of me atop Big Bro #3.

"Oh, Hey Lil Bro." Big Bro #1 says

Big Bro #3 nods as well.

"Hello Big Brothers. What is everyone doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Big Bro We're practicing to get stronger."

As he says this to me I watch a couple of my siblings accedently set a pair of my other siblings on fire.

"Does everyone know what they're supposed to practice?" I ask

"Yeah, practice fighting." Big Bro #1 replies.

Is he serious?

Of course he is.

I sigh.

I was afraid this was going to happen.

They're just running off doing their own thing.

I guess they'll get better eventually, but this isn't the practicing I had in mind.

"Okay...why don't we get everyone so we can practice together?"

"What do you mean?" Big Bro #1 asks moving off of Big Bro #3.

"If we all practice the same thing, we can help each other get better at it."

And they don't get it.

Okay, let's try a different approach.

"Well, I'm going out to hunt." I say

"By yourself?" 

Big Bro #1 please calm yourself.

"I'm taking Big Sis with me."

"You are?" She questioned.

"Yeah. We still have to practice hunting after all." I mentioned.

Speaking of food I still have my fox from before.

I am a bit hungry.

Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant) dropped [Kitsune (Corpse)] x1

There we go.

I feel several eyes on me.

"What is that?"

"Where did it come from?"

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