29: Hiding

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There's no way this works.

I hate having to hide myself like this and hope everything goes well.

I hear the door knocked on before the noble girl responds.

a knight opens the door.

"Tirs a levin ena Juv Dam Saurtide." the knight says.

"Que i a ruit sorbe?"

"I mune draco ui kell stir fuir" " the knight replys. "Il siva i draco no stir pirt a palteau, ui siva a il."

I can hear the knight talking as well as him looking around.

His heavy footsteps get closer to me as I hold my breath and try to stay still and quiet.

The thumping stops as I hear some rustling of fabric.

I think they're on to us.

"Il dragon no ena tesa salco."

"No Sano. Vu opir ui rin ik zui i prim?"

The violet haired girl sounds so assure of herself.

"U-Uin. Mi pumma a draco e d-duu."

The redhead is less convincing.

"Mi tirs a ruit. Es vu siva todouzhin, finote ui."

I here the door close and then a long pause of silence followed by three long sighs.

"Il tuft." The blonde says lifting up the fabric over top of me.

I shake my head crawling out from the sofa cushion of the couch.

Seriously, how did that work?

I thought the knights would be more adamant about checking every place in the room.

Guess having nobility in the room makes it easy to overlook everything.

"Iris. Vu Siris toudo caterib perc?"

The violet haired girl turned towards the blonde. "Il tust a evas eras."

The blonde turned to me and crouched to me. "No alk prem , tu i tust."


I raised my claw up to bat her wrist away before it touched my head.
"Hands off."

She smiles and gives me a small chuckle.

There's a small pause between us.

"Oh aris yu! Mi tust vu a zui."

Quit your whining.

I can't understand you idiot.

I huff turning my nose up and away from her.

She reached for me again only for my claw to stop her once more.

She sighs looking a bit heart broken by my rejection.

Sucks to be you I suppose.

"Does your cruelty know no bounds?"

Oh no.

I look around the room, before finding the green insect in the room munching on one of the cookies from before.

"You again." I growl out.

"Don't sound so excited. It's not like I 'wanted' to meet you over here." It says taking several bites of the sweet in its hands.

"Then why are you here?" I ask.

"I told you already, I'm stuck following you regardless of my own opinion."

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