14: Answers

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Farris placed his claws on his lap before scratching under his chin with one.

"Where to start?" he thinks aloud to himself.

"Let's start with the whole family thing."

I sit down and try to listen to him.

"To start with, most dragons don't bother raising their own young."

Well that's a blunt statement to start with.

"It's not that we don't have the capacity to do so; it's just we normally can't." Ennith adds "We're much too busy fighting for and defending our territories to be worried about wyrmlings. Well, as far as we're concerned."

"Not to mention that you may grow up to be a thorn in our side later due to our negligence." Farris adds on.

That sounds like a fair assessment.

Dragons are prideful and very loyal creatures.

Strength is a constant factor when talking about them.

The strong lead the weak and the weak follow the strong.

It's hard to imagine a story that doesn't have this power dynamic with dragons.

"Then why raise us at all? Why not dump us somewhere and let us fend for ourselves?" I ask

"We're prideful and territorial, but we're not stupid." Farris states "Humans, Fairies, Beastmen, Astrals, Demons; There's too many other races that want our power for themselves. Leaving eggs or wyrmlings by themselves would be the same as giving them easy access to such power."

"Oh..." I reply.

There are other species here aside from the animals in the forest.

Judging by Farris' tone, they really want dragons.

If I had to guess, they not only want dragons as pets and slaves, but also as material for weapons and armor.

Some might even use dragons themselves as tools.

I guess I'll have to be careful if I encounter any.

"In response to such problems, The Flame emperor decided to have our eggs raised in a safe area until they become strong enough to fend for themselves." Farris says. "Each dragon pair will have their eggs sent to places like this and have at least 2 dragons act as caretakers."

"He even made sure that each pair only left behind one egg at one location." Ennith says "We can say without a doubt you're not related to anyone in this den. Not by blood anyways."

She then lights up. "Ohh, but feel free to keep calling me 'mom' or even 'mommy' if you feel like it."

"Uh...sure." I reply

I guess she really sees us as her children, all things considered.

Sounds like this Flame Emperor guy is pretty wise, as well as cautious.

With a name like that and using my breaths as a guideline, it's also safe to assume there's at least 3 other emperors like him, 4 in all.


"Does the Flame Emperor also follow this rule?"

Farris looks down at me and nods.

"While we don't know which group has his egg, we can assume it's the same thing for him."

"And what about my parents? Were they variants as well?" I wonder 

"Once again we don't know who was assigned which eggs."

"Wait, do you two have a-?"

"We're getting off topic."

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