9: Outside

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"Children." Dad roars out his voice echoing literally in our heads and around us. "It is time for you all to learn how to hunt for yourselves."

I guess it's hunting day isn't it?

My first time leaving the place I was born.

I'm actually excited.

Who knows what kind of environment we live in.

Judging by our surroundings I can assume that the overall environment had to be some kind of mountain of jungle like area to support all those different kinds of tigers we ate before.

Also if we lived on a mountain it would explain the wind dragon I ate before.

I once again apologize, mister wind dragon.

Some of my other siblings bump pass me excitedly following our fathers large steps.

I guess I'm not the only one excited.

With light peeking out from the cave I too rush to get a look at the outside word.



Ugh! What is that ball of pain doing in the sky!?

I cover my eyes with my claws to protect them from the light.

That's right, I've been shut inside a practically dark cave for who knows how long.

This is the first time I've ever faced sunlight like this.

Why did I rush outside like an idiot?

Am I an idiot or something?


Okay, let's try again.

I moved my claws and slowly opened my eyes slowly and more prepared this time around. 

Light pours in before finally clearing up some.

I see trees. 

Massive deep green trees stretched out as far as I could see under a bright blue sky. 

A blue sky, wide and open, unlike the cramp, sealed off, cave ceiling.

It was clear, no clouds whatsoever. 

Such a gentle vibrant color.

Now if only the ball of pain called the sun wasn't high in the sky along with it.

A warm wind passed by as I looked at the brightly colored scenery.

I should've been used to scenes like this from my past life, but it's still a magnificent scene to behold.

It's times like this that I missed modern items like phones or cameras.

A view like this must be captured for others to see.

Ah! Crap.

I got lost in thought again.

Everyone is already moving on without me.

"Hey wait for me!" I growl out chasing after everyone.

I have to run to catch up to my excited siblings and dad with his long, adult, dragon legs.

Phew, finally caught up.

I look up at dad to see if he noticed or cared.

That look on his face says 'no'.

Now that I'm getting a better look at him, he really is a large dragon. 

Quite intimidating as well.

It was hard to tell before, due to being in the cave, but his black scales have a nice shine to them.

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