19: Food

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Okay, I'll admit.

I wasn't expecting to be swarmed around by my siblings.

I can tell they would've jumped on me if given the chance.

Big Sis #5 squashed any chance of that happening.

I wasn't the only one threatened to be tackled though.

My other older siblings also were the target of assault.

Big Bro #1 and Big Bro #3 were fine with the development.

Quite surprising given Big Bro #3's current scratches from catching me.

He truly is tough, isn't he?

It's hard to imagine anyone catching anything at that speed from above.

I can't imagine doing the same and coming out alive, let alone with another person.

Yet, here is Big Bro #3.

Not only able to do it, but having the nerve to do so.

He could've been killed by that, you know?

Then there's Big Bro #1

When he said he had a way to handle the bear, I was a bit skeptical.

Those flames movements were weird.

They moved as if they were alive.

They seemed to even constrict and damage the bear at his will.

It was very weird, but It was also kind of cool as well.

If someone told him I thought this I'd deny it completely.

Finally, there's Big Sis #5, who is mostly getting swarmed by our sisters.

She's apparently now something of an idol to them from what I can see.

Not only did she fight and contribute well to the battle, she also toughed it out with one of my plans.

Who would actively stick around to fight some dangerous enemy.


Don't answer that.

Regardless we're all back safe and sound

That means we can start up on the main event.

Filling our stomachs with the food we caught beforehand!

"Okay everyone, let's get ready to eat." I call out.

Everyone cheers happily.

Come to think of it, what would've happened if I died holding all of those foxes?

Would they burst out of me like some kind of item drop?

Would they just be lost forever in the hidden space that is my storage.

Come to think of it, I can't even see what I'm storing.

So if I forget about something, is it lost forever?

What a scary thought.

Let's start by dropping all the foxes first.

Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant) dropped [Kitsune (Corpse)] x14

"Okay let's-eah!"

I was thrown back by my siblings who all snatched up a fox to eat.

I understand that you're hungry, but can't you wait until we portion everything out evenly

I'm still hurt here, you know.

Of course not.

I forgot how meat headed this family can be.

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