31: Return

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My body feels very heavy and hot.

Actually this feeling feels kinda familiar.

I struggled to wake up to find a group of black scales covering my view.

Once again I wake up with my siblings laying on top of me.

Judging from the fact my siblings are here I can only assume one thing.

I'm back.

This wasn't how I expected my escape to go, but I have no complaints.

Okay I have one.

I struggle to squirm out from under my siblings before shaking my fur.

'Now' I have no complaints.

I stretch out my limbs before scratching my neck where my collar once was.

Man it feels good to be off the leash.

Ah speaking of, there's something I'm curious about.


HP: 108
MP: 62
SP: 135
ST: 100%
ATK: 62
DEF: 33
SPD: 36
「Scratch Lv10」「Slash Lv1」「Kick Lv1」「Tail Sweep Lv6」「Tail Whip Lv3」「Small Bite Lv9」「Killing Bite Lv4」「Sneak Attack Lv1」「Wind Control Lv1」「Wind Magic」「Fire Cowl Lv1」「Dragon Breath Lv 5」「Mana Breath」「Fire Dragon Breath」「Water Dragon Breath」「Wind Dragon Breath」「Earth Dragon Breath」
「Fire Resistance Lv10」「Fire Nullification」「Wind Resistance Lv2」「Electricity Resistance Lv3」「Plasma Resistance Lv1」「Fear Resistance Lv2」「Pain Resistance Lv16」「Concentration Lv2」「Perseverance Lv2」「Accelerated Thinking Lv2」「Danger Detection Lv3」「Weak Point Search Lv2」「Dismantling Lv3」「Cooking Lv1」「Tracking Lv3」「Stealth Lv2」「Teacher Lv5」「Climbing Lv3」「Dig Lv7」「Dragon Language」「Observation Lv10」「Appraisal Lv1」「Comforting Lv3」「Dragonize Lv1」「Skill Unlock Lv1」「Wind Blessing」「Hidden Lv???」「Fortune Trader」「Hyper Growth」


All my stats are no longer restrained.
most importantly.

I can finally test out that 「Appraisal」 skill.

This skill is the most important one in any magic related series.

If it works even half as how I expect it to.

Okay let's try it on this rock over here.



[a rock found in a cave]



Eh? That's it?

Talk about underwhelming.


[A Dark Gray Stone]

Seems like 「Observation」 is about the same as 「Appraisal」in this regard.

Okay next test.

Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant) dropped [Pumfu Fruit] x2

Firsts 「Observation」

[Pumfu Fruit] [Pumfu Fruit]

Next 「Appraisal」

[Pumfu Fruit]

[An orange and green fruit that has a refreshing smell and a sour taste]

[Pumfu Fruit]

[An orange and green fruit that has a refreshing smell and a sour taste. This one has a leaf connected to its stem]

So it can tell the differences between two objects.

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