7: Resistance

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While we waited for our baths, I went over to little Sis #7.

Despite righting herself, she still looks upset.

Level 1 comforting is not that strong it seems.

Hey sis.

How are you doing?


What a glare.

I thought big bro #3 was the only one with intimidation.

Jokes aside, I can tell when I'm not wanted.

Let's back away and not cause anymore damage.

And without warning, I'm picked up and mom's tongue bath begins.

After getting licked clean, still gross by the way, Big Sis #5 came over to my side.

She was...smiling? grinning? 

Well she looked happy.

I wondered what has you so happy?

Let's see if Observation has any leads.


Female Magma Dragon Wyrmling aka Big Sis #5

HP: 100%

Huh seems like I can see her heath now.

It's in...percents?

This is new.

My HP showed me an actual number, but sis's HP was a percent.

The more I learn the less I seem to know.

Mom begins her flame bath as per normal.

I noticed my 「Fire Resistance」 was finally working. 

Sure the flames still hurt but, it was like I was outside sunbathing now.

As long as I was careful not to get burned I would be okay.

I wonder if I reach the highest level for this skill, will I stop feeling heat all together?

That wouldn't be fun

I'd like to find a hotspring one day and just relax in it.

Even a hot bath would be nice to soak in from time to time.

Even a cold bath would be fine at this point.

Did I mention how gross mom's tongue baths are?


I guess I've been on fire too long.

Better put myself out now.

While putting out the fire I notice some of my siblings still panicking about the flames and being set on fire. 

Only Big Bro #1, Bro #3, and myself seemed to be the most calm. 

I guess this makes sense all things considered.

Still it would be nice if I knew how to breath fire myself.

Heh, I might try cooking some meat if I did.

Skill Up!

「Fire Resistance」has reached Level 10

Condition met

Acquisition of 「Fire Resistance Lv10」unlocks「Fire Nullification」


How long was I lost in thought? 

It must've only been a few minutes.

I looked around to see everyone was put out already.

I was the only one still lit.

I could still feel the flames on my fur and body, but it no longer felt painful.

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