23: Defiance

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I hate this.

I absolutely hate this.

The four of us somehow managed to get back to the cave without any incident.

However, I could not find either of our 'parents' with us.

Unsurprisingly, they probably went out to search for the rest of our siblings.

All we can do is simply wait at this point.

I can't stand just waiting around.

Ever since we heard Farris' roar, I've had this bad feeling and it's driving me crazy.

Ennith was already gone by the time we returned, but I could still feel that command of his pressuring me in the back of my mind.

If it weren't for that pressure, I would've gone back outside to help.

"Big Bro, you okay?" Little Bro #8 asks. "You've been pacing back and forth for a while now."

"Kinda." I say coming to a stop. "I just wish I could do more than just...wait here on my tail."

I sit down slapping my tail onto the floor making my case.

"There's not much we can do 'but' wait." Big Sis #2 says to us.

"I know, but I have this bad feeling in my stomach." I tell them.

"You hungry?" Big Bro #4 asks with a huge chunk of meat in his mouth. "There's tons of food behind us. Littler Bro can even cook it if you want."

Littler Bro?

I know that Little Bro #8 is his little brother too but,'Littler'?

"It's not like that." I say, shaking my head. "I just feel so useless sitting here waiting like this Something bad is happening and I just hate sitting here."

I move up towards the cave's exit and try to take a step out.

A jolt of pain flashes in my mind and I forcibly pull away.

I shudder before shaking my head of the feeling.

Farris' command still resonates in the back of my mind.

I can't understand what's going on.

I already made it back to the cave, so I should be able to leave the cave, right?

Yet, for some reason I'm still stuck here.

I know this is for my own good and I shouldn't complain about it, but...

I groan loudly before plopping my head down and letting my body collapse with it.

"Stupid command in my head." I grumble to myself.

I lay there for a good amount of time.

I didn't fall asleep.

I repeat, I definitely did not fall asleep.

I opened my eyes when I heard footsteps heading for the cave entrance.

I looked up to see four of our siblings rushing back in a panic.

Little Sis #7 was leading them, along with Little Bro #9 and Little Sis #6 following her and Big Bro # 3 following way behind them.

"Hey there Big Bro, Littler Sis, Littlest Bro, and Littlest Sis" 

"Big Brother and Big Sister are in trouble!" Little Sis #7 roars out suddenly.

My eyes go wide. "What!?"

"Those shiny things appeared when I was with Big Bro." She starts. "We fought back at first, but too many started to show. So we ran away."

As Little Sis #7 spoke, our other siblings in the cave started to gather around to listen.

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