6: Fight

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After my embarrassing attempt at magic, I learned that just because I have the skill doesn't mean I know how to use it or raise it.

It seems skills can be gained by my actions and reactions to the world around me.

Wrestling my siblings allow for me to create attack skills like 「Scratch」.

Taking on my mom's fire attacks gave me 「Fire Resistance」.

I'm sure you already noticed this but then here's my next point.

I don't have a Bite skill.

I've been eating and using my teeth all this time but I don't have a "Bite" skill.

Among that, everytime I complain to my parents or siblings I don't have a Growl or Roaring skill.

I thought about it for a while.

What makes these skills not "Skills"?

Then I got it.


Only while in danger do I gain new skills.


What about「Wind Blessing」?

Ha ha ha, that one doesn't count.

Who counts a random skill you get from a god?

Even my 「Electricity Resistance」came from me getting sick from that dragon.

So in order to get stronger I have to put myself in dangerous situations.

When I put it like that it sounds suicidal.

Well, let's start with something that won't kill me.

First off let's pick a partner to spar with.

As much as I like to spare with Sis #5, we're starting to pick up on each other's habits.

Lets go to Big Bro #3.

The Bro #3 is just like the rest of my siblings in terms of appearance; Black scales, small horns, sharp claws.

The big difference between him and the other is his size.

He's bigger than the rest of us.

By big I mean both wide and tall.

If he were a human I can see him as someone maybe half a foot taller than me.

Well regardless, I decided to challenge him.

I walked up to my brother and asked him for a battle.

This amounts to me lowering my head a bit and swinging my tail up behind me.

He faced me and did the same.

Challenge accepted.

Okay, I have to pay attention.

He's bigger than me but as long as I can get around him I'll win.

I begin to circle around him.

He follows, turning his neck.

When he no longer can, he quickly turns his head to the other side.

He's cautious of me.

I understand

I'm cautious of him.

Once I moved to his left side, I decided to test the waters and lunge at him with a Scratch.

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