16: Bear

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It came from the bushes standing up on its hind legs.

From my position it was at least 3 times our standing height.

I can't really gauge its size well.

Considering it couldn't reach the tree's lower branches, I can guess it's about 10 feet.

It was a dark brown colored with it turning red near its claws.

There was a thick strip of white fur around its neck and a similar white star placed on its forehead.

Star bear is a very fitting name for it.

I couldn't look away.

If I looked away I knew this thing would attack us immediately.

I have to focus and plan my next move carefu-


I glance over to the side to see Big Sis #2 backed away.

She stepped on a stick.


The bear roared at us.

"Fire Breaths, now!" Big Bro #1 called out.

We all opened our mouths and shot flames at the bear.

Well, the 6 of us who could anyways.

The bear roared out before stepping forward, claws up.

"Move!" I yell out.

The bear swings his claws at us

Several of us moved to avoid his wide swing.

I turned, having moved back and saw his focus on me.

「Accelerated Thinking」

Time slows down as I back away while facing him.

I have to think.

How much damage did we do?


Adult Star Bear

HP: 94%

MP: 100%

SP: 92%




SPD: Equal

We hardly scratched it.


It's the tiger all over again.

It raised its claws again.

I readied myself for its attack.

Flames shot out from the side hitting the bear.

It was Big Bro #3 and Big Sis #5 firing their own flames at him.

The bear roared, turning its attention to them and off of me.

Now's my chance.

Now distracted, I run up and claw at its belly.


That was tough.

Let try again-


Phew, just avoided the claw that was swung at me.

If time weren't slowed I'd be cut by those claws.

A couple of my siblings were clawing at its back.

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