33: Names

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A name.

A way of calling someone.

A kind of identity.

This human here wants to give me and all my siblings a name.

"Well?" Mari asks.

"Do you wish to die?"

I was startled to hear that echoing growl.

With a quick look around I see Farris.

He walks into the area with Ennith not too far behind him.

She has that wide, amused smile on her face.

What's she so happy about?

"So, you're the human girl Ennith brought in?" He growled out to her.

The air around starts to feel cold and heavy.

I tense up and start to shake.

I try to move but I...I can't.

Even breathing feels hard.

Skill Up!

「Fear Resistance」has reached Level 3

"Yes." Mari replied before giving a curtsey with her cloak. "My name is Ernamaria Von Saurtide."

Farris stares down at her with an intense gaze.

Skill Up!

「Fear Resistance」has reached Level 4

"See? Isn't she interesting?" Ennith chimes in peeking over his side.

"I can see why you're so interested in her." Farris huffs and turns his head to the side. "Very well. She can stay for now."

I feel my legs give out as the air around me returns back to normal.

Was that his intimidation?

That was much more intense than what I felt before.

Skill Up!

「Fear Resistance」has reached Level 5

I let out a sigh as Im sprawled out on the ground.

"Your mental strength is quite strong. Regardless, you won't be able to withstand naming wyrmlings with your current level of strength."


"What do you mean by that?"

Yeah, care to explain that one?

What do you mean 'withstand naming wyrmlings'?

"You humans take names too lightly." Farris starts. "A name isn't something you use to simply call someone. It's a culmination of everything you are. Mind, body, soul, spirit; the very components that make one themself. All of this is held together by your name."

I blink a bit confused by what Farris is going on about.

This is a bit much for me to understand.

"Confused?" Ennith says. "Then here's an example."

Ennith holds up a claw and points at Mari.

"Ernamaria von Saurtide.... Fall." She flips her claw down.


Mari suddenly drops onto the ground just barely catching herself with her arms.

She holds herself up for a second before fully falling flat onto the ground.

"What is this?" Mari grunts "Why can't I get up?"

"Hex magic, chain of dominance." Ennith says. "With a single word the target's body is forcefully taken control of and forced to obey. Its conditions are the target's name and strong spiritual control. After that, it's a simple battle of wills."

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