E2: Emily's Day Out

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Another clear day has come with hardly a cloud in the sky.

It seems as though the gods above are watching out for us today as well.

Pfff, yeah right.

Not even in my thoughts can I talk about them in such a manner.

Currently I'm walking down the streets of the nearby town, a bag in hand and enjoying the sights of the town.

One would think being royalty I would catch the attention of everyone I pass right?

You'd be right, if I walked down the street normally.

My current self however is much different than how I normally look.

A plain simple dress, leather boots, hair tied behind me in a ponytail, and most importantly a pair of glasses to help hide my eyes.

My hair color also has been changed, thanks to something I.. ahem, 'borrowed' from my eldest sister's beauty supplies.

Fortunately, I did not get the thief job from that, however this temporary dye works wonderfully.

One would never think this brunettes hair was once bleached blonde.

Thanks to it and my clothing, I'm currently disguised as Emily, a young village girl who likes to read.

Yes, I use my name from my previous life when I'm like this.

This is, after all, the only time I don't feel restrained to be Ernamaria.

Being royalty doesn't mean I have loads of freedom, especially for something like this.

The town itself is quite large, it almost feels like a small city more than a large town.

Even with magic and monsters it still keeps its fantasy-like feeling.

With all the carriages and different shops ment for adventure's it's no wonder.

I even passed the adventurer's guild along the way, home to the adventurers of this world.

As much as I would like to go in and visit, I'm sure I'll be turned away at the door.

Seriously, the rules of this world annoy me to no end.

Still, seeing as I'm now living here, I have to follow them.

The best way to do so, reading about as much of this world as I can.

And to do so, every so often I come down from the manor and visit the town.

This also serves as a way for me to relax a bit and simply be 'me'.

Once I reach the store I was heading for, I enter without any worry or hesitation.

A small ring of a bell, the smell of paper, even the slight movements of dust as it moved through rays of light only to vanish once it leaves.

"This really is a nice little get away."

"Hmm? Is that Emily I hear?" a voice calls out.

The owner of the voice would be none other than Mr. Tenma. A middle aged man and owner of this bookstore.

I met with Mr. Tenma by chance on my first trip to the village looking for books.

His store had several books I was looking for, as well as a wide selection of books on several topics.

Most importantly he was a kind man who often would help me find the books I'm looking for, as well as offer some good reading recommendations.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Tenma." I reply, giving him a nod.

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