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Uugh, everything hurts.

I groan opening up my eyes and feeling an odd coolness

Strange, I expected to be buried under wyrmlings.

My head's splitting and moving hurts.


I reach up scratching at my neck.

There's something heavy and thick around...


Oh no...

Oh no no no no no.

I quickly force myself up and look around in the room.

Smooth stone floors.

High evenly set up stone walls.

Metal bars set on one of the walls.

This definitely isn't the cave.

If anything this might be a cell, or pen

Either way, it's my new prison.

Most likely, I was caught by those humans from before.

Ugh, just my luck.

How did I end up captured, and what about my siblings?


Ugh! It's no use, I can't remember anything past being surrounded and the arrows.

I can't say for sure, but I think they're alright.

Or at least I want to believe they're alright.

Well, aside from there being very little light down here aside from torch light from the other side of the bars, there doesn't seem to be much security.

Well, I have no reason to stick around here.

I'm busting out of here.

I move over to the bars and try to stick a claw pas-


My claw was zapped by lightning the second I touched the metal bars.

I guess I can't pick the lock like I did before.

Well, I guess that leaves only my dragon breaths then.

I inhale before exhaling a fire blast at the bars

I let it go for quite a while before finally stopping.

Now let's see how those bars-huh!?


They didn't even heat up from the attack!

Don't tell me this cage is dragon proofed.

Well, I'm not one to give up so easily.

If fire won't work, let's try water.

I reel back before firing out a stream of water out at the bars.

If there's an electric current running through it, perhaps I can short it out.

I see some sparks come off the cage befor--



That didn't go as planned.

In hindsight I should've realized that I shouldn't use water breath on an electric gate.

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