E6: Yes and No

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I sit before this white dragon as the two of us just stare at each other.
It definitely knows I'm appraising it.
<"Hey you!">
It spoke again.
Although, so far I've only heard it speak when it's upset.
No, I should start saying 'he' now.

<"What was that feeling just now?"> he growled out at me. <"Are you the cause?">

I look down at the dragon.
Seems like he was feeling uncomfortable being appraised constantly like that.

"Sorry." I tell him while deactivating appraisal. "I was simply appraising you."

It looked at me strangely before sighing off to the side.

<"Stupid language barrier.">

Language barrier?
Could it be?
Can he...not understand me?
Even though I can understand him?
Then it's not that "he's able to talk", but more of "I can understand him."
I don't remember a dragon related skill in my status.
Still if I can understand him, can we communicate in some manner?
Something that takes into account my ability to listen to his words but not speak to him.

There might be.

Even if I can't talk to him, I can still give him simple replies.
He seems to understand the concept of yes and no.
So instead of asking him questions, let's get him to ask me.
Then in return have him tell me about the same.

If I can establish something like a fair trade, I might learn something about him and possibly the reason why I can understand him.
More importantly, it might help me earn his trust.
Call it a feeling, but there's something about this dragon.


I call out to the dragon getting its attention.
He watches me closely even as I hold up a finger

"Water." I called out.

A small collection of water forms at my fingertip.
The dragon gets defensive and looks as if he's going to pounce.

"No no no! Look."

I start using the water to draw on the floor for the dragon to see.
He relaxed and looked at the mark I was making confused.
It's this word's version of a question mark.
I thought it would recognize it but...

<"What the heck is this thing? A spiral?">

Maybe I was too hopeful with that.

I sigh before continuing.
I make a circle on one side of it and then an X on the other side of it.
Even when it comes to markings, people here still use the X O format of correct and incorrect.
With how he missed the first part I doubt he'd understand.

<"X and O?"> he replied back.

I looked at him shocked he knew what they were called.
No more specifically he called them an X and an O.
The term for them may be correct but that's only from the other world.
Here they're known only as marks, a yes and no mark.

<"You want to ask questions?"> The dragon lights up.

I turn to the dragon and smile, giving him a couple quick nods.

<"So...you can understand me?"> the dragon adds.

I nod again.

He turns his head off to the side going into deep thought.
Honestly, I can't even begin to figure out what it is he's thinking about, but frankly I'm okay with that.
He nods then turns to me once more.

<"Okay, I think I get it."> He says <"Lets...'talk' I guess.">

I nod as he sweeps a spot behind him of dust for a while, muttering softly, and then sitting down.
Didn't take him for the neat and tidy type.

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