E3: A Normal Day?

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As of right now I'm reading a book on the supposed fairy kingdoms in this world.

Fairies are a lot different than what I was expecting.

When you talk about fairies you have to talk about spirits as well.

Spirits are the beings in this world that create natural and unnatural phenomena on this planet.

From the way they're mentioned in this book, I thought they would be something like the forces of nature on this world, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Even the mana of this world is merely the by-product of spirits existing in this world.

Weather phenomena are also said to be created from spirits as well, though the exact correlation between them is still unsure.

They're such a big part of our daily lives that even our seasons are named after spirits.

Quite an amazing feat considering that a majority of people can't even see spirits.

One exception is the fairies.

Fairies are beings that live in harmony with the spirits.

A common and easy to understand example of fairies are the elves.

The tree fairing elves are actually part of the fairy race.

Just like in movies they are a group of long, pointy eared people that often live in trees or mountains.

In this world, they are also known as wind fairies.

Due to the connection fairies have with spirits, they tend to live in place where there's an abundance of those spirits.

For elves it's the wind, so they often live as high up in the air or places wind blows.

That's why they live in treetops and apparently even mountain tops.

According to this book they can use the spirit's power in order to increase their own magical capabilities. 

Even a small group of them can have power that rivals that of a dragon.


This is interesting and all but what about the fairies themselves?

Let's see.

Spirits are whimsical creatures, as such fairies tend to build their cultures around the nature of spirits.

According to the fairies, wind spirits are free loving and playful spirits that love to run in all directions; east to west, north to south, even from the ground up to the sky.

They value freedom and the right to go any which way they desire with one to tie them down.

The Elves build their lives around this idea of freedom; that all beings have the right to choose whatever path they wish. 

This is most true in the way the elf kingdom is structured.

"Ah! There you are Maria!" 

I peek up from my book and look below me.

A couple of girls were looking up at me from below the branch.

"Nat. Iris." I replied back.

Nat placed her hands on her hips and looked up at me.

"What are you doing up in that tree?"

K-I-S-S... wait, that doesn't translate well.

"I'm just reading a book about the fairy kingdoms." I reply holding up the book in question. "The book mentioned the elves live in treetops, so I thought climbing this tree would get me in the right mindset of an elf."

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