10: Hunt

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Sniff Sniff

Sniff Sniff

I still try to sniff the footprints as I follow the direction they are going.

It took me a while, but I finally managed to figure out this scent.

Trying to figure out the prints scent was pretty hard.

Just trying to tell the scent apart from everything else was extremely difficult. 

It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

If I was a dog or wolf I bet this would be much much easier.

But I'm a dragon not a canine.

It could be that my senses are more sensitive than a canine's, so I gathered more information than needed.

Which means I had to sort out even more information than a dog just might.

On top of that, I'm not a "dragon" but a "wyrmling", which means I'm still technically a child.

I doubt my limited knowledge would make it easy for me to differentiate one scent from another.

On top of that, my father isn't exactly the best person to ask "how to dragon" from.

He doesn't seem like the kind of person you'd ask for help from anyways.

At this point, it would be good if I got a "hunting" or "tracking" skill.

I follow the tracks for a while before coming across a small clearing with my prey in sight.

It's a red fox.

Oh, it's a couple of red foxes.

Well they look like foxes.

Let's take a second to check.

Adult Fox




Adult Fox



SP: 72%

They are indeed foxes

Alright looks like I was right. 

One of them is a bit hurt as well. 

Talk about lucky.

Skill Gained

Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant) acquired「Tracking」

Could've used that like...10 to 15 minutes ago.

Telling time is hard without clocks.

Well, I know what time it is now.

Hunting time.

I try to get up as close as I can to these foxes.

Staying low to the ground and trying to make as little sound as I can.

I'm not sure how my white fur translates to the foxes senses, but if my expectations are right, these foxes shouldn't be able to see in color.



Just a few more steps.

I'm almost in pouncing range. 

They seem to be busy with their own selves and haven't noticed me.

Hopefully, I can grab one of them on my first try.

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