25: Leash

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I never expected it to be so cold like this.

Every so often I wake up and feel myself freezing from the cold of the stone.

I didn't expect myself to feel this cold even with fur.

Guess I should try and do something about it.

Don't wanna cause a scene so let's use 「Fire Dragon Breath」


There we go.

I didn't think this would work so well, but I guess scorching the floor with my flame breath really works best for sleeping comfort.

It's been three days since I've woken up here.

So far, nothing too crazy has happened in that time.

Every day they would bring some large slab of meat to me and throw it into my cage.

The first day I ate about half of it and stored away half just to see what they'd do.

Later at around midday, they'd throw in another slab of meat. This time around I stored it and finished the half I already had.

Finally, In the evening they did the same and brought out a third slab for me.

I simply stored it away, not because I wasn't hungry, but for breaking out of here.

Yeah, that's right, I'm still thinking of busting out of this place.

Judging from the walls and floor around me, it is simple stone.

Now it's stone that's been hardened and stuck together by some sort of cement, but stone nonetheless. 

I just need to break it to get outside.

But once I'm outside, then what?

This collar here still locks most of my skills while suppressing my power.

I need to get this thing off.

To do that I need them to think they can trust me.

So I need to lay low and 'behave' for now.

Still, sitting around day to day is slowly getting tiring.

Every now and then I feel these bursts of energy and I just have to get it out.

During those times I run around jumping on and off the walls.

Sometimes, I dig into the wall off to the right back corner of the cage.

Not much progress was made, and I've only succeeded in hurting my claws.

Thankfully I can nurse them to make it a bit better.


Sounds like they're back.

I stand myself up and stretch out my spine and legs as much as I can.

Sounds like a ton of footsteps this time around.

In view of the bars, I can see quite a few people in armor.

One of them looked a bit different.

Instead of a normal helm, it was a black hood that had a face guard much like the other knights.

Considering their attire and the staff they held I can assume that they're a mage.

They muttered something into the staff before the orb at the top of it started glowing a green light.

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