5: Sick

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Even as my siblings were eating, I was hesitant.

I felt my inner selves arguing in my mind.

I have to eat to cure this hunger, but its another dragon.

I never though I'd have to eat another dragon

I blame dad for always bringing in tigers and making think this way.

No, that's not fair to dad.

Even if he is grumpy, he does bring in a lot of food for us.

I shouldn't be t oo surprised, even dragons will eat other smaller dragons if given the chance.

But even so.

This is a major hurdle in my new life.

I'm hungry.

My stamina's low.

I needed to eat and the food was slowly disappearing.

Either now or never.

I made my choice.

I swallowed my pride and my heart along with each bite.

It was good

Each bite was good.

It was easier to chew than the tiger but the taste was just as bland.

It was less juicy though.

Maybe because it was thin and lean?

Every bite filled my stomach and crushed my heart.

I felt something inside me breaking.

I had to check my Status as I ate.

Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant)

HP: 37

MP: 20

ST: 25%


「Scratch Lv3」「Fire Resistance Lv8」「Pain Resistance Lv6」「Observation Lv4」「Hidden Lv???」

Another bite I checked

Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant)

HP: 37

MP: 20

ST: 26%


「Scratch Lv3」「Fire Resistance Lv8」「Pain Resistance Lv6」「Observation Lv4」「Hidden Lv???」


Male Magma Dragon Wyrmling (Variant)

HP: 37

MP: 20

ST: 26%


「Scratch Lv3」「Fire Resistance Lv8」「Pain Resistance Lv6」「Observation Lv4」「Hidden Lv???」

Nothing is changing.

I'm not taking damage and I'm slowly gaining stamina

So why am I getting hurt?

Why does my chest feel heavier the more my stomach fills.


I know the answer already.

Its guilt isn't?

Guilt from eating the one thing I love.

The pain in one's heart cannot be measured by numbers.

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