35: Thoughts

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The day's just started and I already feel tired.

I thought learning 「Mana Sense」 would make it easier to learn about mana and magic by extension.

But all I can tell right now is that I have mana and can feel where it circulates and gathers in my body.

Its not much but I guess it's a start.
"Alright you two." Ennith growls out to us. "Let's head down. Knowing Farris he's woken up and is fuming about me leaving the cave again."


You mean you do this more than once?-whoa!

Ennith grabs me in one of her claws and begins to flap her wings.

I watch as the sun's light reflect of her wings showing an odd refraction of color of them with each flap.

She'd then take off and fly the three of us down to the caves entrance.

It was a short little trip through the air, but it felt nice.

Sun on my face, wind rushing through my fur.


I really want to fly!

Once Mari and I are set down, I start walking inside the cave to see what my siblings are up to.

Baelvari and Durianite are up already. 

No surprise.

Those two always seem to be first up.

Its is surprising to see Palpitaya up though.

Normally she wakes up later.

“Felsaneo!.” she called out to me.

“Hey Pitay-oof!”

She pounced on me.

“Where were you? What’s going on? Are you hurt?”

Her questions came one after the other.

“I was fine up until you pounced on me.” I growl out with a small groan. “Please get off me.”

I hear Ennith chuckle off to the side as Pitaya climbs off me.

“You two are as close as ever.” She growls softly.

“Yeah.” I growl back. “Ennith was helping me learn magic.”


I heard a fourth voice in this.

Yangmeilan was now among us, also known previously as Little Sis #6.

“Yeah, but I didn’t learn anything much.”

Better nip this one in the bud.

“Did you see any magic?” Yangmeilan asks.


“No?” She asks leaning in closer to me.

I place my claw on her face and push her back.

“No. I didn’t” I growl out. “Actually, I was hoping we could go hunting soon.”

“Good idea." Ennith chimes in "While you're at it take this girl with you."

Mari was pushed forward by Ennith's tail.

"I'm sure she'll teach you all some interesting things."

Interesting things huh?

I'll be the judge of that!

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